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Offline Gluey

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Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:19:27 PM »
I volunteer at a senior home on Wednesday afternoons. Boring? Not at all! It's pure entertainment.
I do respect my elders but it's really hard not to laugh in these situations. The staff thinks it's funny too but we all understand that
one day we will be old too than we can entertain the younger generations.  :orly:
The people are so kind and interesting too.

First of all I work with this gentleman in a wheelchair he calls himself "Bill"  and this woman with dementia seriously thinks Bill is her husband. She grabbed the wheelchair away from me took him to her room and said "He's MY husband!" and slammed the door in my face. She thought I was hitting on him.  :laugh:

There is a woman who has a stuffed cat in her room and thinks it's a real cat that has been stuffed.

One of the women said "I was sleeping in bed one night and saw someone in the nude with a wrinkly butt. So I checked in the mirror to make sure my but wasn't as wrinkly."

One woman thought the Beatles slogan on my shirt was Morse code.

Last time I was there a woman had a strap on her wheel chair (To keep her down and out of trouble becuase she keeps calling 911) She asked me for a small knife
first by luring me in and asking if I want a chocolate. She said "If you want to be beutiful you must find me a knife"

Theres a man who walks VERY fast that it's a hazard and constantly pushes the high security code door to get out. He has Alzheimer's it's sad cause a year ago he was with it and showed me a fainting photo album of his about his life as an animal scientist and pictures of the log cabins he built.

I aways take my utility knife of my belt and put it in my pocket becuase I read in the Volunteer orientation booklet that items even loose jewelry can be a a
weapon. People have had there big hoop earrings tugged out of there ear lobes. Same with really long hair.

My hair is only shoulder length so I'm safe. I only wear watches,wrist bands and rings as jewelry that can't be grabbed and I never keep earrings in anyways becuase they piss of my sensory of touch overload. So I know I'm safe and made sure with myself that I'm not wearing anything that can be a weapon.

My mom's freind who used to be chef there and had a urine bottle thrown at her and she cried about it becuase it was her first day working there.
She had a heavy encyclopedia thrown at her head too.

I never cry when they be nasty to me becuase I know it's not intensional.

It's interesting volunteering so I will post my interesting stories in this thread.

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 10:37:03 PM »
I remember when I was 15, my brothers got mad at me for leaving the windows open at my grandparents house because their house was hot. They always had the heat on too high. So my grandmother comes in my dad's office and tells me to leave them close and I complain to her the house it too hot. She starts cursing at me and then she holds her hands out and growls and comes towards me. It was very scary I never wanted to go up there again after that. I never even understood why she did it. My parents kept telling me she is old, she probably doesn't even remember doing it and I was like but what if she does it again, what if she does something else to me. I haven't been with her by myself ever since. When I was an adult, I learned how spiteful she can get so I knew to stay away from her. I still get near her when I am in Montana because my family is around. I know to run if she starts to act crazy. Besides it was only that one time when she acted that way to me.

At least you don't get scared at your job. I don't know if I still would or not. I am older now, not 15. I'm sure any 15 year old would get scared if their grandparent acted that way to them.

Offline Gluey

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 10:44:06 PM »
I remember when I was 15, my brothers got mad at me for leaving the windows open at my grandparents house because their house was hot. They always had the heat on too high. So my grandmother comes in my dad's office and tells me to leave them close and I complain to her the house it too hot. She starts cursing at me and then she holds her hands out and growls and comes towards me. It was very scary I never wanted to go up there again after that. I never even understood why she did it. My parents kept telling me she is old, she probably doesn't even remember doing it and I was like but what if she does it again, what if she does something else to me. I haven't been with her by myself ever since. When I was an adult, I learned how spiteful she can get so I knew to stay away from her. I still get near her when I am in Montana because my family is around. I know to run if she starts to act crazy. Besides it was only that one time when she acted that way to me.

At least you don't get scared at your job. I don't know if I still would or not. I am older now, not 15. I'm sure any 15 year old would get scared if their grandparent acted that way to them.

Haaahah reminds me of my Great-Grand my (grandma's parents) house. They had the heat up to 75 degrees (Celsius) and it was 30 degrees outside nd there house was SO BORING. You just sit there and drink coffee ad eat ginger snap cookies. The great grand mother had dementia and would abuse my legally blind great grandfather. She threw a dish at him.

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 12:32:13 AM »
My grandmother had Alzheimer's.

She was a yeller.

The nursing home where she lived after she broke her hip tried to put yellers as roommates with deaf people, but they ran out of deaf people and put my grandmother in the same room with another yeller. 

The yeller told my grandmother, "You have three seconds to get out of my house!"

My feisty little grandmother responded, "Where's my gun?"

The staff responded to this loud exchange, and my grandmother insisted they help her look for her gun, but of course they couldn't find it and they told her, "I'm sorry, but they must have forgotten to pack it because I can't find it anywhere."


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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2008, 10:30:16 PM »
My grandmother hid tissues, my grandfather never knew where they all went for awhile, she would stuff coat pockets full, put them under the mattress, seat cushions, etc. He went out and bought boxes every week figuring WTH, she was losing her sight, could hardly get around and had dementia, if she wanted to hide tissues who cares, at least it was keeping her busy.

The neighbor down the road from me took care of her sister with dementia for years, her sister was a "stripper", every time she had to run to the store she would get an elderly guy a few houses down who she dated to set with her, by the time she got back her sister would be sitting there with nothing on smiling from ear to ear and her friend would be reading the paper like he didn't see a damn thing. :laugh:

Then we had the "streaker" not too far away, she'd strip naked and sneak out the door and start walking around the neighborhood. I knew her years before she had dementia, always wondered if it was the dementia or whether she was lucid at the time and just being evil, she was like that, I miss her. 

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2008, 12:53:22 AM »
My grandmother never stripped as far as I know, but before she went into the nursing home, she did go dig up plants from other people's yards to plant in her own yard, because she was confused and thought they were hers to take and transplant anywhere she wanted.  My uncle and aunt apologized for her to the neighbors, but they said that they didn't mind if she dug up their stuff.  She would eat but forget that she had eaten and she would hoard food in the strangest places, like under the clothes in her hamper, for example.  Then she would tell people who called on the telephone that she hadn't eaten for days and to please send help.  My mother and I did not know at first about the food hoarding and we kept buying groceries for her, which kept disappearing.

Offline Gluey

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2008, 07:50:50 PM »
These are such funny stories  :plus:
Karma for those who took the time and posted
I laughed so hard.

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2008, 09:49:51 PM »
When I was an adult,
So what are you now?  :green:
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

Offline Gluey

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2008, 08:25:48 AM »
The Bill gentleman told me he ate rattlesnake and told interesting stories about his days taveling the world. It was easier and cheaper to do it back than.
He was a jeweler and a stonemason. He told me met some natives in peru and they cooked him snake and made a big special ceremony for him just becuase he brought them spam  :laugh: I do think it is true as Spam was hard to get back then especially in remote areas and it's all packaged nicely no hunting required.


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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2008, 09:54:06 AM »
My gardening boss was a paedophile. I win.

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2008, 12:59:02 PM »
My gardening boss was a paedophile. I win.

What do you get as a prize?


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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2008, 01:22:07 PM »
My gardening boss was a paedophile. I win.

What do you get as a prize?

It's voluntary -- duh.

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2014, 05:40:05 PM »
I've pre-warned everyone who needs to know, I'm going to be especially batty when I'm old.  :violin:

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2014, 05:41:39 PM »
I've pre-warned everyone who needs to know, I'm going to be especially batty when I'm old.  :violin:

  I'm sure preparations are being made right this minute at the Old Gophers Home!  :laugh:
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Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: Crazy shit at my volunteer job
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2014, 05:47:59 PM »
I've pre-warned everyone who needs to know, I'm going to be especially batty when I'm old.  :violin:

  I'm sure preparations are being made right this minute at the Old Gophers Home!  :laugh:

I'm slowly going deaf too, so I hope they put me in a room with a yeller, like Calaway was talking about up there.  :lol1: