no idea what you mean by the first bit, and i really can't be arsed scrolling up, so post it again, if you want to.
Google told me that you mispelt one of the words 
And the repost of that question:
Why do you like creative writing, and what sort of stuff have you written recently?
So you're giving her shit because of the way she spelled a word, when you had to look it up on Google to see what it meant?
Lucifer, I have a question: Do you attract little boys like this in real life as well?
good question - i had to think about it.
the answer's "no", mostly. i do have a "weird attractor", which means i'm a magnet for anything weird in the vicinity. but i also have what's known as the "Lucifer Exclusion Zone" (although with my name instead of lucifer, obviously), which means that an awful lot of fucktards get headed off at the pass, as it were. people describe it as an energetic "forcefield", which can range from nothing (if i'm with someone i like/trust/want to shag madly), to about nine feet.

and, of course, i'm more obviously older in real life.
of course, i'm assuming you weren't referring to yourself as a little boy? cos if you were, then the answer is, "no, unfortunately."