The Ten Guiding Principles of a Strong Community
This would be our answer for a base of operations towards betterment and equality for Autistic People. The bottom line, we believe, is to set a clear goal and to speak with one voice. The discipline of these principles, springs out of participation, conviction and the right of the membership to decide its own course of action. The following principles and the steps to implement them, and an informed and alert membership is what makes a group a powerful force; one which must be counted.
I? A Community is built on its members.
The strength, understanding and unity of the membership can determine the Communities course and its advancements.
The members whose skills, which make up the Community and does their duty can best determine their own destiny.
If the facts are honestly presented to the members in its ranks, they will best judge what should be done and how it should be done.
In Brief, it is the membership of the Community which is the best judge of its own welfare; not the officers, not society, not the politicians and the fair weathered friends of Autism.
Above all, this approach is based on the conviction that given the truth and an opportunity to determine their own course of action, the rank and file in 99 cases out of 100 will take the right path in their own interests and the interests of all people.
II? UNITY is at all times the key for successful social, educational, and economic advancement.
Anything that detracts from Autistic UNITY hurts all people with Autism.
Any group Of Autistic People which decides to put itself above other Autistic People through gimmickery or subterfuge or personal greed at the expense of others like themselves, will in the long run gain but little and inevitably will lose both its substance and its friends.
No matter how difficult the going, a Community must fight in every possible way to advance the principle of Autistic UNITY.
III People with Autism are indivisible.
There can be no discrimination because of race, color, creed, national origin, religious or political belief.
Any division among Autistic People can help no one but the status quo of society.
Discrimination by one Autistic Person against another Autistic Person is suicide. Discrimination is a weapon of society. Its entire history is proof that it has served no other purpose than to pit person against person to their own destruction.