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10 Principles/Philosohy

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--- Quote from: Sophadoodledoo on March 22, 2010, 01:22:09 PM ---yeh she is coming here soon - very brave :arrr:

--- End quote ---

Good, if she is actually doing it.

--- Quote from: TheoK on March 22, 2010, 01:23:54 PM ---I know for sure she is brave.  8)

--- End quote ---

That remains to be seen.

Speaking of what this place is and what it may become - why is stuff like this still stickied?

Because that's the way it's been and as a spazz I dislike change. :smarty:

I, for one, would prefer that things were as they once were, but then,  again ... 

...WTF do I know?

I hate change.


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