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10 Principles/Philosohy

<< < (3/18) > >>

(18.316 per day) I see no evidence of PH ability.

That's cos I keep getting burnt out and hardly post for weeks- when I am post-whoring its much much higher- of course it doesn't change much on my profile because it includes the time I don't post at all in my average.

Ah. Yeah, that happened to me at another site:

down to (8.712 per day). But, all of the spammable section doesn't
count. Plus, I spent more than half the time that I've been there,
not posting at all, and another half of that not posting in countable
areas. My total posts are about double that.

You have post 101 plus per day I am getting close to 100 today though Myself.

It's unlikely that I'll keep a high rate up for
too long.


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