That includes you and your lack of intellegence.
If it makes you feel better to assume I'm not as intelligent as you feel free, its no skin off my nose. 
This nonsense of Randy's reminds me of the bullshit from the last IM convo I had with HG, where she accused the majority of the members from IntensitySquared for being unintelligent morons who post rape threads. On that premise, though, she doesn't acknowledge that there were members who were also disgusted of that thread, and that one of them established a voting poll so that the membership can decide whether such threads should exist on the Intensity website.
There's another statement of hers which was illogical: She calls her former friends online "cowards" for not being upfront by taking their time to write out a well thought-out email without having to cause future upsets or misunderstandings. LOL. Excuse me, but if we are friends online, does it really matter what method of online communication I use? Most of our communication have been based on
text. And you did state that the use of emails, the use of mobile phone text, or IM'ing have no relevance to you, so what gives? Why change your attitude to how we communicate, all of a sudden? Oh, wait, I'm sorry: Do forgive my audacity for I'm too much of a retard to grasp your superior intellect. And on that note, do all psychology students, who are way overconfident over their level of worth/education/importance, struggle to write their rebuttals online in a clear and concise manner? No offence, but you are in desperate need to retake your A-Levels -- preferably written English.
Ahh, that felt good.