
Author Topic: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples  (Read 18801 times)

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #360 on: January 06, 2018, 11:56:08 AM »
Had a weird, and not at all pleasant one.

And old woman, with a little market stall like platform beside her, full of live animals in containers of various sorts, crying out as though hawking produce, but she wasn't. She was protesting animal cruelty. And doing it by showing examples. I particularly remember her ripping  the heads off cats, and taking hold of large, live crabs, and dissecting piece of their shells off, pulling out their eyes and then nailing this crab to a wall through its claw, as if crucifying it.

All the while, railing against animal cruelty. It was surreal-weird and major-league fucked up. That one had me waking up in a cold sweat.

You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #361 on: January 06, 2018, 12:37:14 PM »
Yeah, that dream was fucked. Seriously, seriously fucked. More fucked than a crackwhore in possession of her own bodyweight in crack. The old woman was PETA-esque, railing and preaching against animal cruelty, only at the same time, doing the things mentioned above, to 'demonstrate' what people shouldn't do.

Fucked isn't even the WORD. That dream was fucked, fornicated, sodomized, assraped, comitted buggery with and left to dangle on a pointy stick stuck up its ass, Vlad Tepesh style, And then repeatedly copulated with. And mated with multiple instances of 'holy shit that is fucking screwed up' I ended up only being able  to get back to sleep after first taking a STRONG sleeping pill/antianxiety nuclear option pill (same pill, two effects in that context) and some morph to make sure I STAYED asleep and hopefully, reduce dreaming further. Because sure as shit I didn't want another one like THAT fucking thing. Seeing that living crab having its shell peeled off, leaving its internals exposed, but for a claw to crucify it by....that was nasty. Especially for an animal lover as much as I am.

Just wrong, is what that dream was, Just Fucking Wrong.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #362 on: January 26, 2018, 03:46:52 AM »
Now THAT was annoying.

I was in the middle of a dream, not a bad one, an interesting one. Was in an autism-camp of sorts, part getaway, part school. I've had a tour of the grounds in an entirely different dream, and been to this place before, the exact same place.

I'd stopped off, this time, again, back in the same overall building/grounds complex, on my way back to my room (after randomly finding some dropped weed LOL shortly before the end of the dream, which consisted of my stopping off to talk to the lab teacher with the school bit, although I was not at it, just decided to pop up, say hello and see how things were going....I very specifically remember that I'd made a suggestion as to interesting and unusual demos and experiments she could provide the lab schooling attendant pupils, although not one of them. She seemed really quite surprised that I ran my OWN, which was why I hadn't been in lessons IIRC, there, this older lady with longish dark hair, kinda wavy, the odd grey hair throughout, giving an appearance of (average) late 50s early 60s, and the specific experiments, I'd been explaining the interhalogens, as a potential for interesting work, albeit she must avoid the interhalogen binary fluorides of any kind, with the possible but by far from certain exception of iodine heptafluoride, getting me somewhat of a look of abject shock when I continued with our talk with instructions as to how to prepare the tamest of the interhalogens (these if anyone doesn't know are halogens, I.e related to fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and theoretically at least astatine and tennesine, only rather than diatomic molecules of the same element atomic species in pairs, such as F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, there can be more than one other atom, although almost exclusively they consist of two elements, such as iodine chlorides, which was what we'd got talking about, and I was giving her instructions as to their safety, and how they are prepared and how the monochloride can be purified [conversion with excess chlorine gas to iodine trichloride, a solid substance stable only under an atmosphere of chorine gas, then taking away the Cl2 gas, and allowing decomposition into gaseous Cl2 and liquid ICl], and we were talking about safety procedures, I was telling her what glassware joint greases she could use without them being attacked and destroyed, for IRL, iodine monochloride is singularly aggressive to plastics, disintegrating them, of almost all kinds, it turns most greases into something like plasticized cement kind of material through oxidation and absorption of iodine, giving the burnt grease an appearance of grey colored set cement, and ideally to use teflon joints or wrap any glass ones in teflon tape after an underlayer of perfluorinated inert grease, and it attacks stainless steel keck-clips, destroying them quite quickly, rusting them away to nothing.

I'd just had enough time in our chat, to let her know bromine monochloride is an easily condensable, colored gas, that one most certainly wouldn't wish to inhale, as well as the trick of passing Cl2 gas through an aqueous iodide or bromide salt of an alkali metal to give sodium chloride-table salt in solution and then have the iodine or bromine precipitate out, and the way a drop or two of ICl liquid hydrolyzes super-quickly in a puff of gas, leaving a little sprinkle of elemental iodine, in the iodine cases falling down in tiny particles through the water when the dream then was ended by force, a sudden group of gouts of flame trapping me in place coming from the bunsen gas taps and finally the burning gas exploded, blasting out the windows of the building.

And I woke up suddenly, my hip joints in agonizing pain. I think that was responsible for the dream content, the bodily effects on my real world body, of my pain meds running really low and finally getting so low i couldn't lie down, being the sudden flames=the searing pain when I woke up, although in the dream I was trapped, not burnt. And the explosion=the sudden onset when levels of pain med transitioned between enough to relieve pain enough to lie down and dropping low enough that my hips are horrendously painful.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #363 on: January 26, 2018, 10:04:04 AM »
I dreamed I had to poop.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #364 on: January 26, 2018, 12:28:35 PM »
I dreamed I was eating licorice pizzas. Mmmmmmm.

Woke up and my Michael Jackson record collection was gone..........
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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #365 on: January 26, 2018, 01:52:14 PM »
I dreamed I was eating licorice pizzas. Mmmmmmm.

Woke up and my Michael Jackson record collection was gone..........

The first one sounds amazing, particularly if it is salty liquorice. How did your MJ collection go missing? :o

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #366 on: January 26, 2018, 05:56:04 PM »
MSW-just wait until you have to shit. having pieces of the works of the plastic paedophile with the blood plasma you could make a fortune selling to junkies, coming outa there....that HAS to hurt.

FWM-MSW appears to be making a bad joke, the 'liquorice pizza' being dark and flat, so are records...hence their disappearance on his waking up. I.e dream of food, dream of eating it, whilst he(?) was eating his plastic paedo LPs. The punchline being they are missing because he(?) chewed them up in his sleep and they'd be in bite-sized pieces, hiding out in his small intestine....just waiting to put some teeth marks of their own in somewhere people REALLY don't need teeth being applied to :P

That dream last night (posted about in the other dream thread)...the one with the autism camp/school complex that I've been to before in other dreams (weird in and of itself, exact same place, the same lake in the grounds and the same turns in the very same hallways, the same dorm-rooms...and it isn't even the second time in dreams I've been there, or even the third. Possibly not even the fifth, to the same place. I think I've even got a room on reserve :P)..the dream last night with the explosion in the lab and then I woke up in pain.

(I think the lab explosion bit, where I got stuck in the flames from the gas tapes going out of control and trapping me, and the windows blew out was my pain meds wearing off, and I'd been lying on my side, so there was pressure on my hip...not that my hips NEED any pressure on them to hurt like a complete and utter cunt..since I'd gone to sleep and taken oxycodone rather than the morphine, and its IR, so short acting, and can wear low while I'm asleep, causes a weird REM-rebound that causes continuous, intense and uninterrupted dreaming, often lucid-dreaming)

Unfortunately, it wore right off, and my hip started howling, never mind my being asleep at the time, bastard things'll do it anyway and the interesting conversation I'd been having with their science teacher regarding my (IRL) interhalogen project was cut short by the building exploding (presumably my hip hurting whilst asleep getting translated into dream-imagery), right after me and the science teacher had come up with a decent seeming idea for purifying my iodine monochloride via decomposition of iodine trichloride by allowing it to stand in a still type of setup under inert gas, so it can spontaneously offgas chlorine (ICl3 is only stable when stored under an atmosphere of chlorine gas, otherwise it decomposes to the monochloride, losing Cl2, which I can just let go into an absorbent of some sort, like caustic soda, binding it as common table salt)

(yeah, I know, weird dream to begin with...kinda neat though having a problem solving conversation with a chemistry teacher in a dream and our work out a solution to an IRL problem)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #367 on: January 26, 2018, 05:59:49 PM »
FWM-MSW appears to be making a bad joke, the 'liquorice pizza' being dark and flat, so are records...hence their disappearance on his waking up. I.e dream of food, dream of eating it, whilst he(?) was eating his plastic paedo LPs. The punchline being they are missing because he(?) chewed them up in his sleep and they'd be in bite-sized pieces, hiding out in his small intestine....just waiting to put some teeth marks of their own in somewhere people REALLY don't need teeth being applied to :P

Ohhhh. Thanks for explaining that to me. :)

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #368 on: January 26, 2018, 06:12:51 PM »
No worries. Its a variant on an old joke actually, that involves someone dreaming about eating sheep, and then waking up to find their fluffy pillows gone.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #369 on: January 30, 2018, 02:43:37 PM »
Just woke up, kinda shaken up.

Had this kinda awful was about lab mice. I don't do animal testing myself, I never have and never will, I think its awful, the things that are done to animals in the name of science, so this isn't personal guilt showing, but I just had this dream.

I was working at a lab, where there were these mice, and they had grown somehow, due to something done there, to be fully sentient, where they could understand human language after continual exposure to hearing it, although not speak, and were as aware as we are, there was a girl there, youngish woman, or if not working there, someone sympathetic to the cause, I might have been a woman myself in the dream but not totally sure, either way, not important. I only ever got a slight sort of feeling, and only my hands showed in the dream, plus a from the back perspective of my head.

Anyhow these mice, they started making attempts to communicate, which is where this other girl comes in. And I'd gotten them out, when they started to protest about the tortures they were forced to undergo, the seeing their litter-mates 'sacrificed' (they didn't put it so euphemistically in the dream) and the awful things the scientists were doing to them all, only these few were able to communicate it, and this girl, another biologist, I remember us kneeling by a fan, and her doing me something like a tarot card reading, with these little engraved and painted chips. Signs like a knight, to signify protection, something dark, signifying 'covert', and something showing a struggle or fight.

Boss of the lab wanted to make sure all these particular mice were killed straight away, so if there was any truth in it, it could never get out, although he didn't believe it, and me and this 'other?' woman, we basically lifted them and went on the run, while this fucker was coming after them, and using these tarot-card like chips, once a day, to guide us, although it was her, the other person running away with these mice with me, who could read the meanings of them, whilst I seemed to have more insight into what the meanings meant in the specific situation, as it related to this escape. And all the while, these little white mice, they began to be able to use their claws to scratch sign-messages into soft substrates, and then to gnaw open a ballpoint pen and dip the claws in the ink and communicate in pictures, protesting the things they had been put through, and basically begging the two of us who had deserted the lab, losing our jobs for sure, in going towards getting them out to begin a legal fight for their and all lab animals rights, not to abandon them.

Then (IRL) the fucking doorbell rang and some courier came with a delivery for my old man, waking me up. Was a bit of a rough dream because of the content, but I didn't try to drag myself out of it, because it wasn't including the seizure 'danger signal' content that by now I have gotten to know is a time to wake up if I can, to drag  my ass out of sleep no matter what, I was intending to stay asleep, although I was sleeping shallowly, enough that I could smell the food my old man was cooking, onions and meat being fried in the kitchen even while asleep. Was at that fine balance point where there was no pain or withdrawal effect from my pain meds but they had worn really low and caused a sort of hyper-REM rebound, having not had a morphine shot for a long while and only a bit of my top-up oxy, and when that happens it has a kinda neat side effect, intense, continued and very lucid dreaming, which I have to admit, is one of the really cool things, amongs good and bad points about being on the pain meds. That state, I can get into it by taking the morphine quite a while before sleeping, and at the last minute so to speak, while it'll still help me get to sleep, but wear off rapidly once I'm asleep, then take the shorter acting IR oxy just before drifting off to sleep. When it wears thin I'm more or less guaranteed to enter the hyper-REM continual, intense, coherent lucid dream state.

And that, its definitely one side effect that I'm not sorry to have. It's nice, kinda neat.

Wish I'd had a little more time before that dream was interrupted though, so I could have seen it through. Damned delivery drivers, I had to get up and answer the door, because it was right at the point this woman and myself, we'd just done this tarot cart-like thingy reading, crouching beside an industrial fan and throwing these chips down; not sure what they were, but looked very old, and made of I think, ivory or whalebone. Something like that from the texture. Although, there seemed no sense of guilt attached to using them/having them used on my behalf, since they felt in the dream to be very, very, very old indeed (I have an artifact like that myself, an antique book page-turner made either of ivory or whalebone, capped on one end with engraved silver, and with silver lettering inlaid along the blade-like end. Didn't buy it, rather, whilst doing a spot of dumpster-diving for copper pipe and lead, anything else valuable I got rather luckier than I ever dreamed possible, finding not mere copper and lead, but antique ivory or whalebone, and many, many artifacts of silver, many but not all hallmarked (there were a load of silver buttons, as in the kind that go on clothing, these aren't hallmarked but they did test positive for elemental metallic silver using a test based on roughening the surface of a button with sandpaper somewhere not obvious and that wouldn't present any decrement of cosmetic value; followed by testing the button, after taking the surface off a part to exclude being merely silver plating, and then moistening the roughened exposed lower surface and applying a stream of gaseous hydrogen sulfide (with great care, for H2S is, aside from in low concentrations being responsible for the foul rotten egg stench produced by..well..rotting eggs, hydrogen sulfide is a very, very poisonous gas, that is capable of killing a man with a single breath, or at lower levels, it temporarily paralyzes the olfactory nerve, disabling the sense of smell, which can lead the incautious to believe that the threat from the H2S is no more, whilst in fact one can simply not detect its foul smell any longer; its as deadly as cyanide gas and perhaps all the more insidious for not only being capable of a similarly near instant knockdown and incapacitation of the victim, leaving them unconsciousness instantly and death moments after, and its sneaky way of paralyzing the olfactory nerve and masking its presence.)

Very, very deadly stuff indeed, but on contact with metallic silver, a black deposit of silver sulfide is formed, similar to the tarnish that forms upon long wearing of silver jewellery against the skin, due to reaction with sulfur-containing amino-acids in proteins in and exuded by skin, sweat etc. or with age, and the buttons did indeed turn dark, where the surface had been stripped. Since those aren't hallmarked I doubt I could sell them as is. But would be worth more if dissolved in nitric acid and the acid boiled off to give AgNO3 then the silver nitrate would be worth more than the metal, and I have everything I need to make suffficient nitric acid to do that job and liters more conc. HNO3.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #370 on: July 28, 2018, 09:54:10 AM »
I dreamt there was a giant McDonalds fries hiding behind some trees.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #371 on: July 28, 2018, 09:08:18 PM »
Dammit, I'm hungry now. :P
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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #372 on: July 29, 2018, 07:21:03 PM »
Mmm, freshly cooked fries would be nice.
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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #373 on: October 17, 2018, 01:37:07 PM »
I had the most awesome dream I was on a Christmas cruise with my mom and our cabin was decorated complete with Christmas tree and gifts. And in one of the drawers were funny Christmas costumes like reindeer, Santa and elf costumes. I ate a sugar cookie and could actually taste it.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #374 on: January 16, 2020, 07:32:31 PM »
Don't often remember dreams, but last night had one of being naked at work. Oddly felt quite confident being naked at work, as there were also a few other naked people and my body was rocking hot. :laugh: