Author Topic: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples  (Read 18788 times)

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #345 on: May 29, 2014, 06:46:29 AM »
Maybe Freud is to blame for policies on movie content, when it comes to sex and violence.

Nah, it is the left over pseudo-christianism burned into our bones and shit like that, to start.

IN context:  No one ever saw more violence upon his being than the Christ. Yet He allows us to all be forgiven.
Why is the pre-occupation with sex  and nudity so much bigger in the USA than in Europe?
Is it because of the puritans we scared off, over the pond?

(Karma strikes back though, Europe is getting its share of evangelists from the USA, telling us the happy happy message. )
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #346 on: May 29, 2014, 07:36:49 AM »
I have to separate the loud ones, which seem to happen all the time from the really scary quiet ones, which just happen once in a while.

The loud ones, I have had for months and they evolve, but the really scary ones, which I have had for most of my life, come to me without me seeing them coming.

Horror approaches as slowly as no wind at all, comes to you as uncontrollably as biting into something yopu love and having half your life revealed to you in an instant, having no control of your body, having every one of your nightmares come true in an instant, even the worst of the them, and as disguised as the cold of darkness or worse yet, disguised as what you thought you wanted. You never know when your worst horror can reach into your life and touch you or grab you or take you  under its control.


Maybe that is why it is called horrror.

I will continue to dream, however. It is my way of avoiding the most of the Horror.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:38:26 AM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #347 on: May 29, 2014, 08:06:57 PM »
Maybe Freud is to blame for policies on movie content, when it comes to sex and violence.

Nah, it is the left over pseudo-christianism burned into our bones and shit like that, to start.

IN context:  No one ever saw more violence upon his being than the Christ. Yet He allows us to all be forgiven.
Why is the pre-occupation with sex  and nudity so much bigger in the USA than in Europe?
Is it because of the puritans we scared off, over the pond?

(Karma strikes back though, Europe is getting its share of evangelists from the USA, telling us the happy happy message. )

For various historical reasons, I blame the Dutch. :M
I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #348 on: May 29, 2014, 08:15:05 PM »
I dreamed you were back out; I dreamed I was helping you.  I plan to.  You've got more shit to face than you realize, or probably even guess.  I can't remember, now, how much was dreaming, and how much was waking and going over plans.  I've been thinking about you all day.

The way it used to be seems like a dream.  We'll never get back.  But at least we can get closure.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #349 on: June 07, 2014, 03:43:20 PM »
Had a dream about the cinema last night. :-\

I miss the place and I miss the work.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #350 on: August 01, 2017, 04:08:31 AM »
Lots of weird dreams. Someone upset because by scratching a painting she had scratched the soul of her child, still in her womb, someone else shying away when we were talking about that. Tried to find her in a Renaissance like building.
Later I was in a bus, with some relatives, but I sat next to a weird guy wanting me to buy a can of beer from him. All of a sudden I was in a car with that guy, he was driving and he was drunk, had no sense of distance, speed and with of the road. We took a big dive with his sportscar when he overhauled a parked car. I could think how to deal with the coming impact. Bit after that I found myself in spirit telling to my mum why I wasn't at a party. I would be found in an hour, I told her. But it would take people a while to figure out who I was. I was alive.

I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline odeon

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #351 on: September 03, 2017, 01:49:18 AM »
Had one about the film festival again, where I ran the shows at some other cinema.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #352 on: September 20, 2017, 10:43:43 PM »
Had one about slave owners in hell being whipped by demons after running through a portal away from God. They feared God and the truth so much they chose to burn in Hell where they were purged of sin.

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #353 on: December 01, 2017, 05:23:02 PM »
Got.....well it feels distinctly like a gift. Quite different from other dreams, as, after I'd decided to go to sleep for the day, I'd taken a  sedative, wanting to get to sleep quickly, and combined with my antiseizure med (itself not used as such here, I'm on it though, but primarily used either for in-patient alcohol detox or for short term sedation/anxiolysis, the two together certainly put me to sleep pretty effectively)

This time, I'd added some valerian extract, which I find has some weird ass effects on dreaming, inducing an intense and continual dreaming state, and whilst being sedating, it seems to make the sleep slightly shallower in some way. It promotes lucid dreaming and dream recall, which is the primary reason, rather than any actual sedative contribution, that I use it. Ordinarily during dreaming, at least during the REM phase of sleep, both the cerebral cortex, responsible for information processing, and the hippocampus, which plays a critical role in memory consolidation,  is also, but whilst active, there is a disconnect between the two which explains certainly partially, why our dream recall is for the most part, fragmentary. 

Weird thing about valerian is that it seems to make a long sequence of dreams interconnect with each other. So one sometimes finds oneself, whilst in a lucid dream, back somewhere earlier. Someone or something within this one part, gave me some advice. To ask oneself 'have we been here before', during a dream, and concentrate on the idea in a meditative sort of way. I found that after following that course, I could indeed navigate out of past sequence-portions of dream and remain conscious of the fact I was dreaming. And I remember it clearly, hours and hours later. Weird sort of meta-meta dream. To get given advice by a figure within a dream, someone I haven't seen for years, about how to retain awareness in dreams about dreams, in a dream. Actually I'm not in the least sure how many layers of meta- that has. It was certainly peculiar. And it seems to have worked.

I'm going to keep this in mind, see if I can use the valerian as a learning aid at first, in becoming better at  lucid dreaming, to train myself in 'technique' in a manner of speaking so as to more capably enter the lucid state without its aid. Along with some interesting things I've read in neuroscience journals, about memory consolidation, dreaming and brain region interconnectivity. Timing, I read the other day may be important in choosing when to dose valerian, if I'm to use it to best effect, in that immediately after memory consolidation there seems to be a neurological lag-phase where this is depressed, after first peaking for several days, then undergoing a sort of downtime, and oddly, some 5-6 days later, more activity related to the pre-lag consolidation phase. As if perhaps things are being filed away in short-term storage, before things are (lag time) tagged for subsequent thorough archival in longterm storage.

IMO there should at the very least be something interesting to learn from the use of both suitable plants or synthetic agents, things like melatonin, cholinesterase inhibitors [pharmaceutical versions of nerve agents, with usually reversible binding to cholinesterase enzymes, since acetylcholine is intimately involved in cognition, memory, amnesia and learning [the military organophosphate nerve agents are irreversible or quasi-irreversible AChE inactivators] there are medical alzheimer's drugs of this type, like galantamine which have also become popular amongst quite a few people for enhancing dream recall, although they do require care in their safe use. I've used it for (waking) memory support before with some success. And biorhythm techniques to help tease out the right times and places for best use of any such tools in lucid dream 'training'

The self-questioning thing, 'have we been here before' though, that is very new to me. Only got that potential little gem about 12 hours ago. Worked the first time, for many hours, dreamingly continuously. Wish I had an fMRI machine, and one that didn't make a constant banging noise and play like shit with metal in my body. radio-fluorodeoxyglucose imaging of comparison images whilst using various herbs, nootropics etc. and their effects on sleep architecture and dreaming.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #354 on: December 01, 2017, 05:24:31 PM »
FunWithMatches was just looking for a dream thread.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #355 on: December 01, 2017, 05:38:49 PM »
Well now she's found one, since it'll appear her unread posts.

That meditation-question felt at the time distinctly like it was of great importance, on an instinctual level. Still does.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #356 on: January 06, 2018, 03:13:02 AM »
I dreamt that I got on a TFL (Transport For London) minibus for elderly people, not that I was elderly, and it had a young black driver. We drove off and after about 10 minutes we realised that the man wasn’t driving the bus at all, and had fainted. The bus was driving itself on some autodriver switch. Somehow we ended up in a bus station and I asked someone at a desk if I could give them the vehicle registration number (cos we were still moving) so the police could track us down and stop the vehicle. We continued travelling and I managed to jump off the bus and phoned the police.

Offline odeon

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #357 on: January 06, 2018, 05:01:20 AM »
I dreamt that I got on a TFL (Transport For London) minibus for elderly people, not that I was elderly, and it had a young black driver. We drove off and after about 10 minutes we realised that the man wasn’t driving the bus at all, and had fainted. The bus was driving itself on some autodriver switch. Somehow we ended up in a bus station and I asked someone at a desk if I could give them the vehicle registration number (cos we were still moving) so the police could track us down and stop the vehicle. We continued travelling and I managed to jump off the bus and phoned the police.


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Lestat

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #358 on: January 06, 2018, 09:38:29 AM »
Had a weird, and not at all pleasant one.

And old woman, with a little market stall like platform beside her, full of live animals in containers of various sorts, crying out as though hawking produce, but she wasn't. She was protesting animal cruelty. And doing it by showing examples. I particularly remember her ripping  the heads off cats, and taking hold of large, live crabs, and dissecting piece of their shells off, pulling out their eyes and then nailing this crab to a wall through its claw, as if crucifying it.

All the while, railing against animal cruelty. It was surreal-weird and major-league fucked up. That one had me waking up in a cold sweat.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: tEH uLTIMATE dREAM tHREAD=post your dreams here peoples
« Reply #359 on: January 06, 2018, 10:15:43 AM »
I dreamt that I got on a TFL (Transport For London) minibus for elderly people, not that I was elderly, and it had a young black driver. We drove off and after about 10 minutes we realised that the man wasn’t driving the bus at all, and had fainted. The bus was driving itself on some autodriver switch. Somehow we ended up in a bus station and I asked someone at a desk if I could give them the vehicle registration number (cos we were still moving) so the police could track us down and stop the vehicle. We continued travelling and I managed to jump off the bus and phoned the police.


Oh, thank you! It wasn’t meant to be funny, I just get weird dreams. I wrote it down because I rarely dream.