What separates low-quality spam from high-quality spam?
Something of a joke really. What I write isn't usually considered spam,
UNLESS it is off topic. But, since almost every topic here wanders off
topic, it kind of applies to everything that people write. Same thing
(though perhaps to a lesser extent) at WP.
Okay, so what is quality and what is not? All a matter of the humor.
Obviously, by the response I'm getting, my spam has sunk to levels
where it is not viewed as of the quality which it usually is. 'Tis cool.
Pretty much the same crap gets yucks elsewhere.
What bothers me a whole lot more is that when I try cutting back
on pure spam, if anything, I'm getting abused more. Again, I've got
no real problem with this, but it seems completely wasted to discuss
my opinions when they are ridiculed as either spam, or as some sort
of inconsistent mess. At least the spam seemed to have been generated
some laughs, UNTIL I tried cutting back, and then EVERYTHING I said
was taken as some sort of insult to this community by certain members.
Usually, this only happens to me IRL.