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--- Quote from: Azathoth on December 24, 2007, 05:55:11 AM ---
--- Quote from: Callaway on December 24, 2007, 05:36:15 AM ---
...when I was married to my husband and we were trying to have a baby...

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Are you NO longer? :o

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We are still married, but we aren't still trying so hard to have another baby, like we were then.


Al Swearegen:
My little girl is 7 and my little boy is 10. My ex and I had a lot of difficulties in having children for similar reasons (PCO). We were very lucky.


--- Quote from: Sir_Les_Patterson on December 24, 2007, 06:14:19 AM ---My little girl is 7 and my little boy is 10. My ex and I had a lot of difficulties in having children for similar reasons (PCO). We were very lucky.

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Are either of them on the autistic spectrum?

Our daughter is 11 and she is autistic.  We are very lucky to have her.

I had laparascopic surgery to free up some endometriosis adhesions a few months before I got pregnant with her, then I stayed on birth control pills while I recovered from the surgery.  I stopped taking them when we were ready to try, but I expected it to take a long time to happen.  It happened the first month.


Al Swearegen:
My little boy is. He is high functioning Autistic


--- Quote from: CarlaWinchester on December 09, 2007, 03:13:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: McAnusFairy on November 25, 2007, 06:43:38 AM ---
--- Quote from: Moony on November 23, 2007, 11:06:33 PM ---um, McJ, unless you've experienced the delights of PMS mood changes first hand you can put a sock in it. :laugh:

PMS makes me pretty much want to die every month and i don't even keep track of my periods. i have no sense of time. i only know the time is up usually from the way i start behaving.

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ah, who's on the rag now?

everything is conditioning....take my anus for example.

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You and your teacher are wrong. Accept Callaway's pwnage.

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word of advice to the youngsters:
never cross women who are on the same cycle.


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