Well, If I a "married" man find her hot, but off limits. How would a single aspie male horndog find her.? 
Don't know if I qualify as such, but while she is
somewhat physically attractive, the biggest
factor for me is interest. And, if someone is
uninterested (as she certainly is of me) there
is NO interest on my part.
i think that there must come a point where Lit must back off his current approach and begin to establish meaningful dialogue with her. make her grateful that he isn't being mean anymore..
Is lit capable of doing so with a woman? Won't that make him less of
a misogynist?
Thinking back about how I met my wife and the subsequent development of our relationship........things were relatively free of games with her. She spoke her mind and so did I and the rest is history! She is a rare bird. 
Birds are the best. My wife and I played a LOT of games, but not of the kind that
you refer to. She too was quite a find. Just learn from my mistakes, and don't
ever let yourself become so comfortable as to take her for granted (PitM).