I remember the chart at the nurse's office, 100lbs, plus 5 inches per foot for men, that equates with the 130 or so lbs. I lost another .5%body fat again. That is the same as yesterday, .5% per day or 1% in two days. I took it this morning and it said, almost 28%. I was like how the fuck did I gain 6%? I took a piss, and then it went down to 22% or so. Before it was 5%, and I took it in the day time with dandelion root, a diruetic, and diruetics like that can mess it up. I might have lost muscle mass not going to the gym, but I do enough work to tear muscles now, even with L glutamine, an anabolic agent. L glutamine seems to be making my muscles bigger, and allows me to work harder with no food for a longer peroid of time. I feel energized with weightloss, as if my insulin metabolism has improved, and 9 or 10lbs is enough to do that. I feel that, its tighter, even with L glutamine. Insulin supresses growth harmone, which in an adult male, helps repair muscles. I have not been eating things that make insulin go haywire, at least not without other foods that would slow down its release. I am talking things like potatoes and bananas.