If I am in a good mood, I find that things just cum to me. Flirting cums easily and naturally when I am in a good mood and that is pretty much all the time. I accidently ingested some wheat flour in the mustard flour. I though that it was called mustard flour because it was ground up so fine, but I see I have to be paranoid. So with these mistakes, I take the oportunity to learn how it affects me. I get dark circles under my eyes and my noise gets really red. There is some small pimples that form on my noise to, and after the third day it looks much better. I tried sunblock and it does not help much, so I guess I need detoxification. After 4 days I notice a significant improvement in mood and after a week its tremendous. Its been just over three now. I don't think I could keep a job if I ate that shit, as it seems to drive truama issues.
Hmm... I will go swiming later, then go see if Eric is home. Its been many years since I been with him, and I am so glad he stole that hashbrown from Mc Donalds. I don't know where the fuck Jen is, I gave her my number and everything. She pulled me off the street to socialize with so I guess I am not all that bad. I know that gluten and dairy products cause me to act nutty so I guess I should go check and see if she got scared off. I think she liked me overall though, because I listened to her problems and helped her with her car. She would want me to have my break when she did when I worked at Mcdonalds.