someone convinced me to sign up there and although i've got back in touch with friends from years ago (could turn out to be a good or bad thing) I'm kind of regretting going on there.
although there's all sorts of privacy settings etc it just seems like if someone asks to be your "friend" and you say yes then they can instantly see who all your other friends are, any photos of you that anyone else puts up, what people have written to you on your "wall" etc.
No room for privacy, unless you block all this but then offend someone or look like you're hiding something.
makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
Always had quite separate groups of friends - them being able to browse through lists of each other feels a bit strange.
and i get news updates like:
James added "Lounge music" to his favorite music. 10:03pm
Paul's relationship status changed from "single" to "in a relationship" 10:48am
(very specific timing there)
Incidentally though there are various aspie related groups on there if anyone is interested.