I also caught Ms Y snooping on YOURMUM's ask away thread as a guest.
Was she....? Was she really now...? 
Yes, she was.
I have no buttfucking idea why 
She was curious?
Nah, there's usually some sort of motive behind it, like looking for things to use against PSP. The point is why would she still feel the need to? She won and got her own fucked up way. I'd have thought she'd like to forget our names and leave us in the past.
Oh FFS. She's like a 3-year-old who's afraid someone's going to take her favourite toy. I'd pity her if she hadn't caused so much pain.
Incidentally, I wonder how Daniel feels being someone's favourite toy...?
I wouldn't feel too bad for him. IMO, he toyed around with all three of you
IMO, he's being an idiot and not thinking about the effect of his actions on others, and MsY isn't doing anyone, him included, any favours by insisting that he's completely innocent and did nothing wrong, ever.
When he was talking to me he at least apologised and acknowledged it once he understood that he'd hurt me and why whatever he'd done had been hurtful; now MsY has him thinking that it's all manipulation on my part.