Seeing McJagger in the karma logs, but must be from posting in the admin forum. Too good to say hello to the masses?
Remember one of the reasons he split was this place was being used by members as more of a hang out (kind of like Dunc's "pub" atmosphere over at Drivel) than a place of "Intensity."
He went down my throat once because I was talking about the birds in my back yard announcing the arrival of spring and to me that was a good thing, but for him, it was not intense enough.

I have won and lost many "friends." I usually give people I know several chances, but when I am done with them, it is final.
Got the impression the last time he left, it was to focus less on the internet and more time on family.
Yeah, he like to spout that kind of "holier than though" blathering bullshit.
I suppose I am lucky.
I do not really sleep much; never really have but as one ages it seems to become less and less of a need or want. I have more time to take care of the family's needs, do some hobby crap that only I care about, go to concerts, read, play poker and still dink around here every couple of hours or so late at night. No longer drinking alcohol has even added more time I have to do things I want to do. I just do not get tired or sleepy.
I have it easy, I guess.
I do not have to make some huge statement to people I do not know about how I am going to "focus" more time on family or some shit.
Sorry. He has pushed my respect for him out of me and I am fine with that.