It also could be someone who registers, is approved, but who doesn't activate their account,
Those people are annoying, I wish they would just post!
I caught richard earlier.
I waited for an email to activate my account for quite some time. Then decided to give it a go without that email.
I've never been welcomed here by the system 
I think we approved and activated your account for you all at once because we knew who you were, Hyke. Because of your problems, we don't do that anymore because we didn't realize before that it caused problems for us to do that.
That sounds ominous.
Thank you. 

OK, that came out wrong. When we get a new member, we usually have to check the IP address to figure out whether it's a real person or a spambot, so we can reject the spambots. We recognized your name, so I think your account was approved and activated at the same time, without realizing that could cause problems for you because you were expecting an activation email.