Author Topic: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.  (Read 2452 times)

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Offline Nomaken

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Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« on: May 02, 2006, 06:59:03 PM »
Do you suppose any psychologists that treat the deeply delusional are ever subtley afraid one of their patients might be right.... and they don't know which one?
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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Offline Happeh

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 08:11:34 PM »
Do you suppose any psychologists that treat the deeply delusional are ever subtley afraid one of their patients might be right.... and they don't know which one?

Oh sure. I forced a psychologist to ban me from his forums because he was afraid I was right.

I was talking about Israeli World Domination. He said I was delusional. Then I started posting proof. After a few days of me proving and proving and proving, he said I had something against Israelis and banned me.

Actually he was afraid I was right. There were 4 or 5 other things he was afraid I was right about to. Masturbation will make you blind and crippled. There is such a thing as telepathy. There is such a thing as possession. There is such a thing as human beings having energy.

He tried for literally 1 month to dissuade me. The arrogant fool actually said "I am going to study you Happeh". Like he thought he was going to cure me.

In the end, my utterly unshakeable confidence in everything I say forced him to ban me. I sometimes wonder if I got thru to him. I told him to come out from behind his desk into the real world and learn what the rest of us know is reality. I told him he was delusional. That was very satisfying. ;)

Offline Draggon

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 09:32:47 PM »
Do you suppose any psychologists that treat the deeply delusional are ever subtley afraid one of their patients might be right.... and they don't know which one?
probably they would just recognize that is a passing, paranoid and irrational thought, the sort of thing everyone gets every-so-often, nothing to be concerned with and they go about their business
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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2006, 09:34:02 PM »
In the end, my utterly unshakeable confidence in everything I say forced him to ban me. I sometimes wonder if I got thru to him. I told him to come out from behind his desk into the real world and learn what the rest of us know is reality. I told him he was delusional. That was very satisfying. Wink
Yep, you sure showed him  ::)
"run with a pack, not with a herd"

Offline Nomaken

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2006, 10:47:27 PM »
I find amusing the mental image of a doctor walking up and down the halls of a clinic looking over the cases, and them thinking to themself: "Jesus christ, i hope that guy isn't right."
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2006, 06:11:50 AM »
A story my clinical psych prof told:  One of his earliest foresnic psychology cases was when one child in a family was accused of molesting another child.  He spoke with many people in this case inclding the mother of the child, who said that the people who were invesitgating this were just after her brother.  Sounded pretty nutty and paranoid. Well, the kid was found to not have done anything wrong (but was trauamtized by the investiagtion), and social services let it go- but added that they now "had somethign against the brother" which they wanted.  My prof was like, wow.

So it depends on how wild the "delusions" are.  Sometimes a delusion-sounding statement may hold a grain of truth.
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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2007, 11:20:54 PM »
My very goal seems to be to achieve a delusional state.
It's funny, because unlike those who seem truly afflicted
by such things, I neither fully believe that they are possible,
nor desire help in combating against such things. I know that
life can become mundane again.

I've been noticing that I can simulate alcohol intoxication
recently. Some simple physical tricks, and something very
similar to a drunken state comes upon me. Before, I could
only modify what I saw slightly.

Are the waves of change real? Or do I convince myself
that they are? And, of course, does it even matter?

There are two ways to change one's situation. To actually
change the world, or to change ones perception. So, for example,
if one is bothered by homeless people, one could seek out a solution,
and act upon it. On the other hand, one could just change one's taste
to enjoy such things.

So, what about the middle road? Accepting one's perceptions as the underlying
reality, and changing them. More or less what I'm trying. Tried before though, and
failed. Never could maintain the force of will. Back in a time when I thought much
less grandious thunks, and merely sought to put myself into a permanent catatonic
state of dreams. By redefining reality, this all becomes more noble. A shift of perspective.

Offline McGiver

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2007, 08:27:33 AM »
My very goal seems to be to achieve a delusional state.
It's funny, because unlike those who seem truly afflicted
by such things, I neither fully believe that they are possible,
nor desire help in combating against such things. I know that
life can become mundane again.

I've been noticing that I can simulate alcohol intoxication
recently. Some simple physical tricks, and something very
similar to a drunken state comes upon me. Before, I could
only modify what I saw slightly.

Are the waves of change real? Or do I convince myself
that they are? And, of course, does it even matter?

There are two ways to change one's situation. To actually
change the world, or to change ones perception. So, for example,
if one is bothered by homeless people, one could seek out a solution,
and act upon it. On the other hand, one could just change one's taste
to enjoy such things.

So, what about the middle road? Accepting one's perceptions as the underlying
reality, and changing them. More or less what I'm trying. Tried before though, and
failed. Never could maintain the force of will. Back in a time when I thought much
less grandious thunks, and merely sought to put myself into a permanent catatonic
state of dreams. By redefining reality, this all becomes more noble. A shift of perspective.

you are right when you state that we do not think alike.

this post makes no sense to me.  i choose to live.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2007, 11:48:44 AM »
It's funny, because it was heavily directed at
you, as an attempt to explain that I'm not
entirely out of your 'real' world yet. Nor
am I convinced that my path is correct.
But, it feels better.

Offline McGiver

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2007, 11:55:02 AM »
It's funny, because it was heavily directed at
you, as an attempt to explain that I'm not
entirely out of your 'real' world yet. Nor
am I convinced that my path is correct.
But, it feels better.
that is funny.

Offline Nomaken

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2007, 12:34:06 PM »
People who eventually get really bad schizophrenia do sometimes go through a stage where they realize beliefs they strongly possess are unrealistic or impossible.  Or they go through waves of delusion and sanity and later recognize beliefs they were having were absurd.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2007, 12:46:25 PM »
It's funny, because it was heavily directed at
you, as an attempt to explain that I'm not
entirely out of your 'real' world yet. Nor
am I convinced that my path is correct.
But, it feels better.

Most people try to avoid confirmation bias, you seem like you're trying to achieve it.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2007, 12:54:10 PM »
People who eventually get really bad schizophrenia do sometimes go through a stage where they realize beliefs they strongly possess are unrealistic or impossible.  Or they go through waves of delusion and sanity and later recognize beliefs they were having were absurd.

Right. But it's as though I'm attempting to
achieve the delusions. I can't manage them

It's funny, because it was heavily directed at
you, as an attempt to explain that I'm not
entirely out of your 'real' world yet. Nor
am I convinced that my path is correct.
But, it feels better.

Most people try to avoid confirmation bias, you seem like you're trying to achieve it.

I'm a skeptic at heart. And I want certainty,
but can't have it.

The thing which really worries me, is
that I'd be able to do a half-assed job,
and no more. Which is to say that I'd
slip in and out of delusions, and never
fully be able to control them. Without
control, and without them being absolute,
it just becomes another world like this one,
but with even more inconsistencies to make
it seem unreal.

Offline McGiver

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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2007, 01:01:48 PM »
i was just telling someone the other day that i am a well trianed pessimist.
but i am hopeful that i am wrong.


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Re: Psychologists who treat the deeply delusional.
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2007, 01:08:48 PM »
I'm a skeptic at heart. And I want certainty,
but can't have it.

The thing which really worries me, is
that I'd be able to do a half-assed job,
and no more. Which is to say that I'd
slip in and out of delusions, and never
fully be able to control them. Without
control, and without them being absolute,
it just becomes another world like this one,
but with even more inconsistencies to make
it seem unreal.

This sounds like the plotline to the comic book "The Maxx" they had a cartoon version of it on MTV about 10 years ago... did you ever see it??