I was in the bookstore some months ago, and I saw a book called "The Tripumh Of The Airheads and the Retreat from Commonsense.", I thought it sounded interesting, so I read the blurb, which is as follows:
The airheads are winning. We live in an upside-down world where celebrity matter more than substance; correct spelling is less important than knowing how to do PowerPoint; bright maths and science students go into investment banking so they can make truckloads of money; and small girls seriously regard a trashy hotel heiress as a role model. We have an American president who gets Sweden and Switzerland mixed up and Australian politicians who spend millions on spin doctors while schools and hospitals go begging.
The age of the airhead has one message. Commonsense doesn't pay off. If you're smart, be smarter: play dumb.
Shelley Gare has been writing about the rise of airheadism for almost a decade. When she first spotted that airheads were soaring like hot-air balloons, she thought she was seeing things. She was so, like, wrong.
How did the airheads win? What were the rest of us doing?