Do any of your kids go to uni? I ask because I just paid $129 for one book. TAFE is probably just as bad.
My middle daughter started Uni and yes, the text books cost a bucketload. But she didn't continue for long.
I went to Uni the first time about 12 years ago, and from memory I think all the books cost around $500, so not cheap. Pity you can't add it to your HECS debt.
Can you get any study assistance from the government? Although from memory, this was a paltry amount, almost insulting. I would have rather it added to my HECS debt.
I get an education supplement which is for people on the DSP but it doesn't cover much. It costs a fair bit to travel to uni and back. I still have one more book to buy.
Mmm, that's a shame. Maybe you could check if they have a site with second hand books for sale or a notice board.
Nasty thing they do is bring out a new edition and say that the older edition will not suffice. That has happened for all my classes! 
Off the top of my head, unless you are studying something scientific, I don't think an older edition would matter that much. Usually it's just a reprint I think. Forget, it's been a while since I have had the pleasure of a text book. I love my anatomy and physiology ones. I keep all my old textbooks.