
Author Topic: Statutory rape and gender equality  (Read 6279 times)

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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #135 on: May 15, 2007, 03:04:36 AM »

Also there are cases where the victim was really raped but picked the wrong person out of a line-up.  At least these kinds of false convictions will happen less often now that we have the ability to check the DNA, I hope. 

I don't know. They were ready to prosecute me without ANY physical
evidence of a rape.

I was prosecuted and the only "proof" they had was a bruce on the girl's cheek, which came from a collar button on my jacket when we kissed and cuddled in the back seat of my car. No DNA. No proof of intercourse. Thank goodness I was freed.

The only reason I was let go, was that my 'victim' testified
in favor of me. Hell, the cops were itching to harm me,
when they arrested me.

Oh, the Swedish police are the greatest cowards on earth. They didn't beat me up, but they do if you're a well known criminal or bum and they got the slightest excuse to do so. They're "macho" against "ordinary" Swedes who haven't got their dim lights on or kids with tuned up mopeds, but they shit their pants if they face any real criminals, like the Russian or Serbian maffia. By the way, unlike cops in most countries with harsh gun laws, like the UK, the "brave" Swedish cops always carry their 9 mm German pistols.  ::) I know, I've told this before, but you can never mock and ridicule Sweden enough, can you?  ;)


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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #136 on: May 15, 2007, 04:47:22 AM »
but they overpowered me and took off my pants.

If you hadn't have then gone on to have sex with them of your own free will that would probably be considered a sexual assault.  I think I know what point you're trying to illustrate here, like I said I just don't think your example is doing your argument any favours.  I agree that to some extent it can be a lot harder for a man to prove he was raped, or sexually assaulted. Whilst people often perceive that there is some stigma attached to being raped, a man would also have to cope with the macho attitudes of other men who would struggle to believe that he couldn't fight his attacker off (especially if it was a woman).

Looking at you example- if you had stopped them or not consented to sex half way through the 'attack'- I agree it would have been harder for you to prove that you had been sexually assaulted or raped.  But lets keep it real here- you know you weren't really raped.


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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #137 on: May 15, 2007, 04:58:14 AM »
Who the hell has given me a minus? I haven't said anything "offensive" in this thread, have I?  ???


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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #138 on: May 15, 2007, 05:15:28 AM »
Maybe you were offensive in a different thread. Or francis was offensive while you were distracted by the hangman rope sneaks.  :eyebrows:


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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #139 on: May 15, 2007, 05:17:26 AM »
The Computer God read my thoughts, of course, and automatically gheyed worse-than-defenseless Mr. Litigious.  :(


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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #140 on: May 15, 2007, 05:51:21 AM »
Or maybe Dec did it to get you to stop rattling his bones?  :laugh:

But I'll give you a point if it'll make you feel better.


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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #141 on: May 15, 2007, 11:16:55 PM »
I can see why statutory rpe laws are in place.... sort of..... If I came across a 14 year old who wanted to fuck my brains out, I don't see what the problem is though...  :-\

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Re: Statutory rape and gender equality
« Reply #142 on: May 16, 2007, 06:20:32 AM »
I can see why statutory rpe laws are in place.... sort of..... If I came across a 14 year old who wanted to fuck my brains out, I don't see what the problem is though...  :-\
i may have still been 16 years old.