]im sure it was because i was attacking one of there love intrests. thats probably what theyd say, but they have moved, edited, and deleted almost everything ive said on there 5 0r 6 times before this incident. the fact of the matter is there love for each other got in the way of there moderating jobs and have made them baised.
That was pretty much it. Flagg especially went overboard.
Grael stayed on, but started catching so much flack, especially
from one member, that she really couldn't deal any longer. I
think that the attacks on her went overboard, but one just
can't be in that kind of position, without making some foes.
Given that she believed in a more active role than was customary,
she pulled complaints more than most of us.
The trouble with the staff on WP is that Alex has never had any problem with making someone a staff member after 5 minutes on the site. I'd only been there myself for a couple of weeks when he made me mod (without asking me first). Not only is he not a good judge of character he doesn't even bother to make educated choices about who would be good at the job.
Yeah. I assume that he tried judging people, at some point, and learned that
he couldn't trust them more if he did. This selection seemed to have been
based more on who spammed the most.

But, he really doesn't ask a lot out of mods - in fact, almost everything
he's said to us have been along the lines of "don't do this." It's just
very seductive to think that one can make positive changes, by doing
things. I get sucked into that thought, now and again. There's a large
vague area, where we don't have any instructions at all.