Also, whether you like it or not, a lot of the new service sector jobs like 'greeters' are simply not practical for a lot of people with ASDs to do.
the greater was a mere example.
what about research.
Agony, but pleased to hear that you consider it a job. In that case, I
did have a job last summer.
I would have had my little work study job this school year but there wasn't enough funding any more. Probably went into Iraq. Full-time student, though. The trouble is that not only does whatever job I'd take (to my understanding) immediately get subtracted from what the government wants to give me, but also, my health insurance would go kaput- very bad for someone on meds and in therapy. Provided I get into grad school (likely), I'll apply for an assistanceship (unlikely). I'm champing at the bit to be employable in my field, though. With my MA I will be; I'll not only be educated but trained (practicum, intership). Then, to have a nice full life of working for mediocre wages and paying off my student loans!