
Author Topic: Unemployed bums  (Read 10356 times)

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2007, 07:28:38 AM »
are we turning into WP, where we have a dick measuring contest involving our disabilities?

No, I was merely mocking and despising my country, as usual, than pitying myself.

my post was coincidently underneath yours.  i didn't mean just you in particular.
i see alot of excuses and fear throughout this thread.

Well, in America you put disabled people on the streets. That's one of the things that I actually don't like with your country. In Sweden they make people "disabled", or at least the socialists used to do that in order to keep their voters. I'm not kidding. I've cost Sweden at least $300000 since 1995, but that had most probably not been the case if the authorities had been just a little more willingly to let me keep studying/working and/or a little less willingly to "disable" me. I'm not ashamed of this, but it sure pisses me off. Never voted for the socialists, though.

Those who fake disability, like the "back ache" cases, that every living Swede by their sound mind is aware of, is another story though.

but america is the land of opportunity.
anybody can get a job as a wal-mart greeter.

I could probably get that kind of job here too, if I desperately wanted a job, for the job's sake, but I would get as little pay as this disability payment.


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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2007, 07:29:35 AM »
To clarify: when i say Chavs round here. I mean around where i am living. Not on this forum. (although it may still apply).

UK is full of useless layabouts with no intentions of getting a job and have housing benefit given to them to pay their full rent.

We also have a lot of immigrants and asylum seekers. I do not mind these, compared to the chavs they seem like good people.
People moan about the asylum seekers but they should be looking towards sorting out the typical english chav.

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2007, 07:30:24 AM »
Like I said, the majority of jobs are useless.

bottom line:

people still need to work.  people need disposable income to pursue some sense of happiness.i believe that if the state provided all these things then people would lose all freedoms.  lose their own free will.
having a job, gives you freedom.

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2007, 07:32:55 AM »
Like I said, the majority of jobs are useless.

bottom line:

people still need to work.  people need disposable income to pursue some sense of happiness.i believe that if the state provided all these things then people would lose all freedoms.  lose their own free will.
having a job, gives you freedom.

Not all people need the validation that comes from being a
Wal-Mart greeter.

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2007, 07:34:22 AM »
There was one in this skanky girls clothing shop where all these skanks work and this one boy who obviously got the job to try and meet hot chicks, he just stood there and said hello to the people that walked in... It was the wirdest thing ever, i'd never seen someone do that before.

did he hand you an ad and get you a cart?

i hate stand alone statements that start a new page.  so i quoted hale bopp.

I didn't go in - I don't shop there. It was so obvious why he got a job there, it's pathetic.


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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2007, 07:35:43 AM »
To clarify: when i say Chavs round here. I mean around where i am living. Not on this forum. (although it may still apply).

UK is full of useless layabouts with no intentions of getting a job and have housing benefit given to them to pay their full rent.

We also have a lot of immigrants and asylum seekers. I do not mind these, compared to the chavs they seem like good people.
People moan about the asylum seekers but they should be looking towards sorting out the typical english chav.

We have many asylum seekers and foreigners here, and some are gross criminals, but we also have a lot of worthless, lazy ethnic Swedes, like Zer0 said.

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2007, 07:37:03 AM »
There was one in this skanky girls clothing shop where all these skanks work and this one boy who obviously got the job to try and meet hot chicks, he just stood there and said hello to the people that walked in... It was the wirdest thing ever, i'd never seen someone do that before.

did he hand you an ad and get you a cart?

i hate stand alone statements that start a new page.  so i quoted hale bopp.

I didn't go in - I don't shop there. It was so obvious why he got a job there, it's pathetic.
actually, if he was there to troll for chicks, then i think it is quite clever of him.
where else is he supposed to meet them; a nightclub, a church, etc?


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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2007, 07:40:11 AM »
To clarify: when i say Chavs round here. I mean around where i am living. Not on this forum. (although it may still apply).

UK is full of useless layabouts with no intentions of getting a job and have housing benefit given to them to pay their full rent.

We also have a lot of immigrants and asylum seekers. I do not mind these, compared to the chavs they seem like good people.
People moan about the asylum seekers but they should be looking towards sorting out the typical english chav.

We have many asylum seekers and foreigners here, and some are gross criminals, but we also have a lot of worthless, lazy ethnic Swedes, like Zer0 said.

Same here. The situation will get worse too. We are already overcrowded. I will emigrate when i can afford to.


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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2007, 07:40:49 AM »
Like I said, the majority of jobs are useless.

bottom line:

people still need to work.  people need disposable income to pursue some sense of happiness.i believe that if the state provided all these things then people would lose all freedoms.  lose their own free will.
having a job, gives you freedom.

I agree to some extent but not fully. People should be able to pursue their happiness by their skills. Sweden is a typical example of what happens when you can get anything you like (or at least very much) without doing anything; you'll be a coward without a will of your own. But on the other hand, I don't know what would have become of me if I hadn't been able to get my disability payment when I needed it. I don't think being a mall greeter had been a particularly good cure for my dysthymia...

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #69 on: May 06, 2007, 07:43:01 AM »
I know that being a telemarketer almost
got me in jail. In the US, it is considered
more honorable to be a thief than to
be on welfare.


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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2007, 07:44:42 AM »
To clarify: when i say Chavs round here. I mean around where i am living. Not on this forum. (although it may still apply).

UK is full of useless layabouts with no intentions of getting a job and have housing benefit given to them to pay their full rent.

We also have a lot of immigrants and asylum seekers. I do not mind these, compared to the chavs they seem like good people.
People moan about the asylum seekers but they should be looking towards sorting out the typical english chav.

We have many asylum seekers and foreigners here, and some are gross criminals, but we also have a lot of worthless, lazy ethnic Swedes, like Zer0 said.

Same here. The situation will get worse too. We are already overcrowded. I will emigrate when i can afford to.

I could migrate within the EU and still get this fucking disability payment paid out to me in any other EU country, but it'd not be much to live on; I can't be sure to get a job in the near future, even if I try.


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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2007, 07:46:04 AM »
I know that being a telemarketer almost
got me in jail. In the US, it is considered
more honorable to be a thief than to
be on welfare.

For old Swedes it's still kind of a shame to be on welfare; the irony is that those who, through their work, once created the welfare system usually don't take advantage of it.

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2007, 07:57:46 AM »
Like I said, the majority of jobs are useless.

bottom line:

people still need to work.  people need disposable income to pursue some sense of happiness.i believe that if the state provided all these things then people would lose all freedoms.  lose their own free will.
having a job, gives you freedom.

I agree to some extent but not fully. People should be able to pursue their happiness by their skills. Sweden is a typical example of what happens when you can get anything you like (or at least very much) without doing anything; you'll be a coward without a will of your own. But on the other hand, I don't know what would have become of me if I hadn't been able to get my disability payment when I needed it. I don't think being a mall greeter had been a particularly good cure for my dysthymia...

there are more disabled than you.

i believe in the basic human instinct of survival....sink or swim.  if you weren't getting the freebies then you would be forced to make a choice.  i think that you would survive, and possibly excel.
though you are being appeased by the state, where is your motivation?
you have none!

i am not making a judgement about people that don't work.  it is everybodies choicce, especially when they have the option of doing nothing and being taken care of by the state....being relegated to second class citizenship.  will you ever evolve (go forward) in life?

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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2007, 08:00:39 AM »
The Texas system had the criteria where you had to apply for a certain number of jobs each fortnight too - and supply the bureau with names and contact information for the interviewers, because they can and did hold audits and contact them. Several of my co-workers refused benefits simply on those grounds, because they thought it would provide a really bad impression to the companies they were interviewing with, to be called for a routine audit by the unemployment offices of another state.

Email contacts counted in the audit system, though, which would have helped with phone-phobia if I'd gone that route.

You have a phoe-phobia? A real phobia?

... or is it like mine in that it takes me too long to process words that way, so I have to work really hard to get anything done over the phone, and I never know when the conversation is over.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 08:04:08 AM by Calamity Jane »
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Re: Unemployed bums
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2007, 08:02:12 AM »
i am not making a judgement about people that don't work.  it is everybodies choicce, especially when they have the option of doing nothing and being taken care of by the state....being relegated to second class citizenship.  will you ever evolve (go forward) in life?

Personally, I don't feel that the low-end jobs that I was capable of getting
were helping me forward at all. Yeah, lazing on my ass wasn't either,
but it did give me the opportunity to begin working on some projects
that did. I doubt that I would have bothered; doubt that I'd be in
grad school - if I had stuck to one of these positions which you
seem to so strongly advocate.