i wouldnt worry about it peaguy. what good is complaining about someone elses problems on the internet? how does that help them?
I'm not overly worried, but I don't like it when people over-generalise the unemployed. And anyway, this is a topic about putting down the unemployed, so I'm merely taking part in it.
Get over yourself, Hale_Bopp.
Read the whole thread before sticking a carrot up your arse, you fucking dumbarse.
I did, and I am basing my argument on older threads where you have previously sniped at autistic people (especially males) who aren't viable in your eyes because they don't work. You act like you're better than other people with your current job and social life simply because deep-down you're insecure and still in denial that you have autism.
Also, it would help if you would have elaborated more on your introductory post without giving off the impression that you're a stuck-up, close-minded workaholic.
Neat. Now you're using old threads and comments to base your argument in here, despite the fact I clearly stated in here that people on a sickness benefit don't count. I don't have a social life, either. Get with it.
Funny, you did state to the disabled community at one point that the world doesn't owe you anything.
Can't touch this godly 8". 
The world doesn't owe
anyone anything. Not just "the disabled community". People that whine about the world being in debt to them are idiots. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to help someone out that can't help themselves as much as they like to. But essentually, the world doesn't owe anyone anything.
My mother kept drumming into me that the world owes me nothing either, and It's good now that I believe it. I won't be a take take take person.
So get the fuck over it already.