Author Topic: PHOTOS AND VICTORY  (Read 362 times)

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Offline Zippo

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« on: October 07, 2011, 09:45:48 PM »
so, i got this fancy new cell a while ago. samsung galaxy S.
i love the phone to death but one day i was traveling to my mother and decide to look through the settings for a tethering option... turns out it has one and so i enable it, yadda yadda yadda, internet works. four hours later get picked up in the car and so on and so forth drive to my moms think nothing of it.

so im on my way back and i try to tether again... well this time something pops up "ERROR: you need tethering enabled. to get tether enabled on this account please contact rodgers customer support".... thinking there MUST be a way around this i look for a bit. get lazy and give up

now im going to my mothers again, this time on the train. its a lot more than a four hour highway ride. soooo i decide to start looking.... well it felt like i was in INTER-NAM BITCHES! but through the noob filled muddy swamps and phone bricking forests i finally come out victorious with all the zip files. because my phone wont let me download install files without being rooted. which i was trying to do without internet....

anyways i am finally rooted after four hours of work and than i deleted the process files that limit tethering without confirmation.... SUCK RICHARDS BIG FUCKING PETER BITCHES (phone company, not I2)

also. a few photos to test upload speeds (mom and sisters cats. trip to edmonton alberta canada. and fire)

EDIT: phone droped out. droped in, checked cell data. you only get one photo for now. SO ENJOY IT!

EDIT 2: photos are stupid ill post em tomorrow.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!

Offline earthboundmisfit

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« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2011, 09:51:16 PM »

The Galaxy S is a bitchen phone. I was going to get that one, but found a good deal on an HTC EVO 4G. Still debating on whether or not I should root it.

Offline Zippo

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« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 10:42:10 PM »

The Galaxy S is a bitchen phone. I was going to get that one, but found a good deal on an HTC EVO 4G. Still debating on whether or not I should root it.

i like the galaxy S better than any iphone ive used regardless of jailbrake or not... the literally the only reason i see for rooting it is to disable some features added in droid 2.2 because the phone co didnt want you doing stuff without paying them.... otherwise i wouldnt have... if you do though look up a program called "Superoneclick" its what i used to root mine.

PS. other reasons for rooting the phone: mods. but imo the Galaxy S dosnt need em, its fine as is.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2011, 11:10:50 PM »
Do you really sleep with a pistol under your pillow ? I could never do that. There is a slight chance of blowing your head  off and I don't like them odds. Id sleep with one between the mattress and box springs, though.

Offline Zippo

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« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 12:23:48 AM »
Do you really sleep with a pistol under your pillow ? I could never do that. There is a slight chance of blowing your head  off and I don't like them odds. Id sleep with one between the mattress and box springs, though.

nah, not even old enough to own a gu--- wait a second i am as of last month! HAHA! i just gotta get my posession and aquisitions license.... anyways i dont currently own a firearm but i will be able to once i move out of the foster home. not allowed firearms in a govt foster care, and my fp dont like guns too so i cant exactly say "hey i own a gun now. you gotta deal with it" because i live in there house... anyways uuh i wouldnt sleep with one under the pillow. in the bedside drawr or on the top of the bedside table or something... but under the pillow theres to much chance with it going off or moving around, not to mention i like to sleep with my arm under my pillow so ill be missing a arm and a face if it goes off.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!

Offline Squidusa

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« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2011, 04:39:34 AM »
I love how the BIG FUCKING PETER smiley totally fucks up a sentence.  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Zippo

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« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2011, 11:51:28 PM »


                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!