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An idea i had.
McJagger you faggot fuck, in recognition of me thinking up the whole concept of a practically boundless freedom of expression AS forum, i demand that we change the forum's name to Eamonn's Drivel and install me as the dictator at once. You know it makes sense.
Merry Widow:
was that before or after Ante started up Aspie 18? :P
--- Quote from: omega_female on May 01, 2006, 01:29:36 AM ---was that before or after Ante started up Aspie 18? :P
--- End quote ---
Before, one of my first pm's to SB2 was telling him i was making my own boundless aspie forum. Though Aspie 18 made me hungry for the idea again it never claimed to be anything other than an Adult aspie site with Ante still having a TOS in place, though in practice it was very much like Intensity except Ante was in charge.
actually i remember a two way conversation, which seems like years ago with eamonn.
as proof (before aspie 18) i remember him mentioning that he had a techie brother who he would ask to help set it up and asked me if i had some ideas.
we were talking about freedom of speech of course, that is how the subject got brought up, by eamonn. so technically i would agree that the inspiration was eamonn's.
that is why i wouldn't let you say no. and asked several times. i used all my tricks to ensure that you came on board. i am not a thief and would never say that it was mine all mine. because in fact it is a great deal to do with eamonn and he deserves to have influence over the direction of this site.
i am always clear. i am not the boss here. we all have earned our position. my problem is that i never stop to ask for permission. even if there was a pecking order and i was the #3 guy, i still wouldn't stop to ask for permission.
i hope that you wont either. i figure we can always change it later if it didn't work out.
i have impulse control issues. and rebellion. i suppose i will always be wild.
to be honest, eamonn, i recognise your artistic influence. when neuroman asked for any ideas for villiages i acted. without thinking of you. it was during the interim, between suggestion and actual product that i made the association, that your premise was locked into my subconcious.
if you want to control something we could take a vote about giving you an autonomous forum of your own calling it eammons demon's or similar. but me, i am perfectly happy having on stupid thread, locked away in admin forum, so that i can compile my copyright case against alex for wiki.
later loverboy
i will call you that everytime i feel you getting pissy. BTW-kids made getting tail impossible for me tonight and am still feeling pissy myself
As I recall i mentioned the draconian mods in wp and how my (never to materialise) forum was going to have absolutely no restrictions outside anything i thought was liable to get me sued. I was just joking about naming it after me, i dont want my own forum. You're right about me feeling pissy though at the moment and so even minor things like everybody giving you whole credit for Intensity is annoying me when before it didnt.
This isnt a power play or anything btw, as far as i know you made the forum without any help outside of the technical help (and certainly without my input) so presumably copyright is yours, i just wouldnt mind a hug and a little recognition now and again like you give the other kids. Dont worry about me, il be alright, i have kid in the middle syndrome so im bound to feel left out now and again. Oh Eamonn's quiet, he wont mind being the whipping boy, why didnt you once ask me how i felt mother? :'(
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