actually i remember a two way conversation, which seems like years ago with eamonn.
as proof (before aspie 18) i remember him mentioning that he had a techie brother who he would ask to help set it up and asked me if i had some ideas.
we were talking about freedom of speech of course, that is how the subject got brought up, by eamonn. so technically i would agree that the inspiration was eamonn's.
that is why i wouldn't let you say no. and asked several times. i used all my tricks to ensure that you came on board. i am not a thief and would never say that it was mine all mine. because in fact it is a great deal to do with eamonn and he deserves to have influence over the direction of this site.
i am always clear. i am not the boss here. we all have earned our position. my problem is that i never stop to ask for permission. even if there was a pecking order and i was the #3 guy, i still wouldn't stop to ask for permission.
i hope that you wont either. i figure we can always change it later if it didn't work out.
i have impulse control issues. and rebellion. i suppose i will always be wild.
to be honest, eamonn, i recognise your artistic influence. when neuroman asked for any ideas for villiages i acted. without thinking of you. it was during the interim, between suggestion and actual product that i made the association, that your premise was locked into my subconcious.
if you want to control something we could take a vote about giving you an autonomous forum of your own calling it eammons demon's or similar. but me, i am perfectly happy having on stupid thread, locked away in admin forum, so that i can compile my copyright case against alex for wiki.
later loverboy
i will call you that everytime i feel you getting pissy. BTW-kids made getting tail impossible for me tonight and am still feeling pissy myself