Author Topic: London thread  (Read 4938 times)

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Re: London thread
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2007, 05:40:20 AM »
i wish.

but they were soo fresh.maybe even like an ocean breeze.
or a summer's brezze.

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Re: London thread
« Reply #46 on: April 30, 2007, 05:40:57 AM »
Fresh Honduran Chicken.

Offline Kahless

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Re: London thread
« Reply #47 on: April 30, 2007, 07:29:14 AM »
At scout camp once, we went hunting for some grey squirrels, skinned a couple and put them in a casserole with chicken.

From tree to stomach I saw the whole process.

Beat that.
Lord of the Londerground

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Re: London thread
« Reply #48 on: April 30, 2007, 08:35:11 AM »
Huh? Beat what? Talking about things that some eat, but others haven't?

I've got a couple, maybe, but squirrel is great and it doesn't taste like chicken, even if you mix it with chicken.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 08:40:54 AM by Calamity Jane »
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Re: London thread
« Reply #49 on: April 30, 2007, 11:42:05 AM »
At scout camp once, we went hunting for some grey squirrels, skinned a couple and put them in a casserole with chicken.

From tree to stomach I saw the whole process.

Beat that.

I have eaten squirrel, rabbit and venison when I was a kid.  I have eaten pheasant, goose, wild duck and quail.  I have eaten alligator, crawfish and crab when I lived in Louisiana.  They had crawfish and crab boils there.  I did not like alligator that much really, but I love crawfish étouffée and I get excited when I find frozen crawfish tails here in Colorado so I can make it.

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Re: London thread
« Reply #50 on: April 30, 2007, 01:54:06 PM »
At scout camp once, we went hunting for some grey squirrels, skinned a couple and put them in a casserole with chicken.

From tree to stomach I saw the whole process.

Beat that.

ah so you're the flamer in the anonymous lock up on AV winding up the animal rights lot ;)
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Offline DirtDawg

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Re: London thread
« Reply #51 on: April 30, 2007, 02:41:33 PM »
At scout camp once, we went hunting for some grey squirrels, skinned a couple and put them in a casserole with chicken.

From tree to stomach I saw the whole process.

Beat that.

I have eaten squirrel, rabbit and venison when I was a kid.  I have eaten pheasant, goose, wild duck and quail.  I have eaten alligator, crawfish and crab when I lived in Louisiana.  They had crawfish and crab boils there.  I did not like alligator that much really, but I love crawfish étouffée and I get excited when I find frozen crawfish tails here in Colorado so I can make it.
You country girl, you.
I go nuts when I find crawfish tails, too, but I haven't seen them here in a couple of years, except for a "friend" who has them sent up, by overnight express, the night before the Indy 500 race for a big party. I will be lost if my perennial invitation expires.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Callaway

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Re: London thread
« Reply #52 on: April 30, 2007, 05:18:59 PM »
At scout camp once, we went hunting for some grey squirrels, skinned a couple and put them in a casserole with chicken.

From tree to stomach I saw the whole process.

Beat that.

I have eaten squirrel, rabbit and venison when I was a kid.  I have eaten pheasant, goose, wild duck and quail.  I have eaten alligator, crawfish and crab when I lived in Louisiana.  They had crawfish and crab boils there.  I did not like alligator that much really, but I love crawfish étouffée and I get excited when I find frozen crawfish tails here in Colorado so I can make it.
You country girl, you.
I go nuts when I find crawfish tails, too, but I haven't seen them here in a couple of years, except for a "friend" who has them sent up, by overnight express, the night before the Indy 500 race for a big party. I will be lost if my perennial invitation expires.

I forgot I have tasted frog legs.  I didn't really like them either.

Offline Kahless

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Re: London thread
« Reply #53 on: April 30, 2007, 06:52:16 PM »
I have eaten beef, chicken, pork, lamb, mutton, squirrel, rabbit, venison, pheasant, duck, shark, crocodile, emu, hare, wood pigeon, ducks feet (loved walking them around the table in a Chinese restuarant), faggots, black pudding, chittling (pigs intestines), pigs trotters, veal, calfs liver, chicken liver, pigs heart, lambs liver, pigs kidneys, lambs kidneys, lobster, crayfish, mussels, squid, octopus, goose, frogs legs, horse, and turkey to name but a few.

On Sunday my mum cooked a lovely venison casserole in red wine mmm mmm.

There is a pheasant and a couple of wood pigeons in my freezer ready to be mad into the most wonderful dish that could fly, drill a hole in a tree, then be shot dead!

I never said I was the wind-up in the AV lock-up..........

Do I hate food??

Do I like vegetables?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 06:58:02 PM by Kahless »
Lord of the Londerground

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Re: London thread
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2007, 06:55:45 PM »
I have eaten ...faggots...  to name but a few.


Dare I ask what this is?

Offline McGiver

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Re: London thread
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2007, 07:07:10 PM »
I have eaten ...faggots...  to name but a few.


Dare I ask what this is?
:ghey: :ghey: :ghey:



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Re: London thread
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2007, 07:08:07 PM »
I have eaten ...faggots...  to name but a few.


Dare I ask what this is?

To think I out-researched you!!  ;) :smarty:

Offline Kahless

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Re: London thread
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2007, 07:14:56 PM »
I was waiting to for you to fall in that trap! You need to Anglocise yourselves more!! One knew that people on the other side of the pond would jump to such conclusions! Now I feel like going to every MaccyDs in New York and asking for SUPER FUCKING SIZE ME MCFAGGOTS MEALS!!!!

Would I get a good reaction?

In Herefordshire England, to visit my bird, they would know exactly what you meant. There might even be a piece of faggot in there, it's a recipe from all sorts of bits and pieces.

Faggot (food)
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Wikibooks Cookbook has more about this subject:

A faggot is a kind of meatball, a traditional dish in the UK, especially the southwest of England, Wales, and the Black Country. It is made from meat off-cuts and offal, especially pork. A faggot is traditionally made from pig heart, liver and fatty belly meat or bacon minced together, with herbs added for flavouring and sometimes breadcrumbs. The mixture is shaped in the hand into balls, wrapped round with "caul" (a membrane from the pig's abdomen), and baked. A similar dish, almôndega, is traditional in Portugal.

The first use in print cited in the OED is in 1851, from Thomas Mayhew, although this appears to be a calzone- or pasty-like dish, with an outer wrapper of caul, covering a filling of mixed pork offal. This was in London.

The dish saw its greatest popularity with the rationing during World War II but has become less popular in recent years. Faggots are usually homemade and are to be found in traditional butchers' shops and market stalls.

A popular dish is "faggots and peas," which is often served with gravy. The faggot and pea batch is a common post-pub snack in the West Midlands. Faggots are also known as "ducks" in Yorkshire and Lancashire, often as "savoury ducks". "In Leigh market in 1905 you could buy a savoury duck rolled up in an oatmeal cake."
Mr Brain's faggots
Mr Brain's faggots

The best-known commercial brand is Mr. Brain's Faggots, a frozen food product available in Britain and Ireland, which is made up of liver and onions rolled into meatballs and served in a sauce. These faggots differ significantly from the traditional recipe.

Pictures of the product are a popular joke in some Western countries due to additional meanings of the subject noun. Faggots were used as the subject of an infamous 2004 radio advert by the UK supermarket chain Somerfield[1]. The commercial featured a husband challenging his wife's repetitive routine of a set meal for each day of the week. While he wanted lasagne, he was told that, as it was Friday, he was to have faggots. He responded: "I've nothing against faggots, I just don't fancy them.". This advert was subsequently deemed to have breached the rules on Good Taste, Decency and Offence to Public Feeling of the Advertising and Sponsorship Code, and was banned from future re-broadcast by the industry regulator, Ofcom.

Now are YOU hiding something from me????????????????
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 07:16:32 PM by Kahless »
Lord of the Londerground

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Re: London thread
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2007, 07:24:18 PM »
I have eaten ...faggots...  to name but a few.


Dare I ask what this is?

To think I out-researched you!!  ;) :smarty:

Thanks, Scrapheap.


As for faggots,  :puke:

Kahless, you win.  I don't think I want to try faggots, ever.  I don't even like liver, even though I have tried it.

I have tried beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, veal, mutton, lobster, etc.  I was just listing the things I thought were unusual.  I think the most unusual thing I have eaten is pokeweed (poke salad).

Offline McGiver

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Re: London thread
« Reply #59 on: April 30, 2007, 07:43:57 PM »
I have eaten beef, chicken, pork, lamb, mutton, squirrel, rabbit, venison, pheasant, duck, shark, crocodile, emu, hare, wood pigeon, ducks feet (loved walking them around the table in a Chinese restuarant), faggots, black pudding, chittling (pigs intestines), pigs trotters, veal, calfs liver, chicken liver, pigs heart, lambs liver, pigs kidneys, lambs kidneys, lobster, crayfish, mussels, squid, octopus, goose, frogs legs, horse, and turkey to name but a few.

On Sunday my mum cooked a lovely venison casserole in red wine mmm mmm.

There is a pheasant and a couple of wood pigeons in my freezer ready to be mad into the most wonderful dish that could fly, drill a hole in a tree, then be shot dead!

I never said I was the wind-up in the AV lock-up..........

Do I hate food??

Do I like vegetables?
i have had bangers and mash.