Author Topic: brushes with death.  (Read 7227 times)

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #180 on: May 10, 2007, 02:39:18 PM »
I meant that I'm less likely to feel comfortable passing on a link to something I wrote than I assume you would be about something you did. But it was only a friendly 'dig'.

 :) That's just cause I hide it better.

I often wonder with people who seem so full of confidence in there own abilities if they actually do have at least some self-doubt hidden away in there.

Oh, I'v got a fair bit of self doubt, I just try to keep it hidden so people don't try to manipulate or use it against me.


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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #181 on: May 10, 2007, 02:51:59 PM »
As for brushes with death personally....all I can remember is nearly getting hit by a car when I was younger (?).  I ran out into the street without looking fortunately the car stopped in time!

Job wise, when I'm working it's part of the job.  I'v seen people walking and talking one minute and dead the next.  I'v seen them die fast and slow.  AIDS, cancer, heart atack, stroke, cystic fibrosis, old age and I'm sure there's a few that I can't remember.  Death has never bothered me, except with someone I was close to, then I get all emo.  Fortunately that hasn't happened very often.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #182 on: May 10, 2007, 07:55:51 PM »
I have run out in front of cars many times to snatch my daughter out of danger when she was younger and would run out in front of them without looking.  Luckily they have all stopped in time.  A neighbor's son ran out in front of a car when he was five and was nearly killed.  He had a closed head injury, a broken arm and thigh and third degree burns on his buttocks on the other side from his broken femur where the car's catalytic converter was touching him while he was pinned underneath it.  We used a car jack to jack the car up off of him and then put a blanket between him and the car's catalytic converter before the ambulance came, or else his burns would have been even worse.  He had to have pins into his bone and an external rod to set his broken leg so they could harvest skin from it for grafts for his buttocks.  He was in the hospital for months, but eventually he was pretty much OK.

I overdosed on baby aspirin and some other medicines when I was little and I was told that I nearly died.  I could open childproof caps when I was little, so I went out of my way to make sure that my daughter never gets the chance to practice opening medicine at all.  My parents thought it was cute until I overdosed.


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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #183 on: May 10, 2007, 08:02:49 PM »
According to my "mother" I drank a bottle of perfume once.  Sometime around 2-3 y/o, depending on when I asked her and what mood she was in when I asked.  After awhile I gave up asking for details.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #184 on: May 10, 2007, 08:09:10 PM »
I tried to kill myself by drinking a bottle of witch-hazel.  ::)

My dad came busting down through a door,
whilst my mother just laughed at how
pathetic I was being.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #185 on: May 10, 2007, 11:23:12 PM »
I didn't do it on purpose.  I was very little when this happened.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #186 on: May 11, 2007, 04:03:13 AM »
I did. I was being an emo.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #187 on: May 11, 2007, 06:24:24 AM »
I almost drowned in a lake when I fell into a sinkhole. My Dad came from nowhere a threw Me out of it in the end.
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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #188 on: May 11, 2007, 07:14:04 AM »
i poured a potful of coffee on my legs when i was a baby, and mom says i almost needed a skin graft. but thank god i didn't. mom had to sleep on the floor in the hospital cuz i would start screaming whenever she tried to leave. :P i was a screamy baby.

i remember when they put me under cold water for half an hour, that hurt worse than the coffee. i had a huge scar going all the way up my leg but it's almost faded now. too bad. i was really proud of it.
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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #189 on: May 11, 2007, 07:28:46 AM »
I have a scar under my left arm because I reached up and grabbed the handle of a pot of boiling eggs, then pulled it down to see what was in the pot, so boiling water burned my underarm.  We went to the emergency room for this one too but I was not admitted to the hospital.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #190 on: May 11, 2007, 11:40:35 AM »
I have a scar under my left arm because I reached up and grabbed the handle of a pot of boiling eggs, then pulled it down to see what was in the pot, so boiling water burned my underarm.  We went to the emergency room for this one too but I was not admitted to the hospital.

They feared you, even then?

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #191 on: May 11, 2007, 01:24:33 PM »
I have a scar under my left arm because I reached up and grabbed the handle of a pot of boiling eggs, then pulled it down to see what was in the pot, so boiling water burned my underarm.  We went to the emergency room for this one too but I was not admitted to the hospital.

They feared you, even then?

I doubt it.  I was a tiny little thing, not scary-looking at all.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #192 on: May 11, 2007, 01:30:19 PM »
I have a scar under my left arm because I reached up and grabbed the handle of a pot of boiling eggs, then pulled it down to see what was in the pot, so boiling water burned my underarm.  We went to the emergency room for this one too but I was not admitted to the hospital.

They feared you, even then?

I doubt it.  I was a tiny little thing, not scary-looking at all.

ALL babies are scary. But hospitals usually seem to
like taking them in.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #193 on: September 18, 2014, 10:09:15 AM »
Can't believe I didn't post this before.

When I was 13, I went to bed late one friday night with the window cracked open. Around midnight, I heard a loud screech of car tires followed by a dull thud. It seemed to be no more that 2 blocks away. About 10 min. later, I heard the wail of police and ambulance sirens. After a half an hour, a County Sheriff pulled up in the driveway. A couple of minutes later, my mom comes into my room crying that my brother had been killed in a single car accident. He was drunk and he slammed into a tree doing almost 70 mph. The accident was just around the corner from our house about a block away.

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Re: brushes with death.
« Reply #194 on: September 21, 2014, 03:29:33 AM »
Bloody hell. Must have been awful.
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