Sorry. Couldn't really tell from the reference.
Plus, the fact that it's all about me.
I would have quoted that post but I thought it was the last one on this thread, didn't notice page 2.
This is the post I was replying to:
Yes indeed safe sex awareness is evil. It just promotes minors to have sex and not just withholding sex until marriage.
Teenagers don't need sex promoting to them, their hormones do a good enough job of that anyway. Sex is everywhere, its all over TV, the movies, ad's,etc- do you seriously believe that educating teens about how not to get pregnant/catch an STD is the final push they need into the 'evils' of out of wedlock sex? Surely its just common sense to arm them with safe sex information since sex is promoted to them everywhere they look?
As for the marriage thing the world is becoming increasingly secular- is waiting till marriage still really a realistic benchmark of propriety?
I would trying to be sarcastic actually.
How is it all about you?