How bad are the alcohol taxes in Sweden Lit? Ours are bad enough, compared to France and Belgium but not ridiculous. The extortionate alcohol tax seems to be a Nordic thing - maybe they think it will make booze too dear to drink yourself silly in the dark winter months?
I think it's 40% tax or something like that. The tax on food is 25%. Yes, they think the taxes will stop people from drinking. But we can easily get the booze in Denmark or Germany or make it at home. Many Swedes actually make their own booze. As I say, they're not cowards with everything. 
25% for food.
what, do they expect people to stop eatling also?
We have an overall 25% VAT. A few things are taxed lower, though, like books (6%), but booze is 40% and gas is 88%, if I remember correctly. There is a
double tax of some kind on gas, which in the end makes it 88%. The tobacco tax is also higher, but I don't remember how much. Since 1 January this year every cigar or cigarillo is 1
krona more expensive though (about 15 cents).
There actually was a debate whether unhealthy food should be taxed higher but so far that hasn't happened.
A Swede who earns $50000/year pays about 40% income tax. But with the VAT and all other taxes it becomes 60-70% in reality, that goes back to the state. Even if you earn as little as $10000/year, you still have to pay about 20% local tax.