I think guns should be banned for NTs but free for aspies.
I'm sort of holding my breath hoping that nobody says the shooter was an Aspie. The news media keeps calling him a loner.
Sorry if this disturbs anyone, but I'm getting the feeling more and more with everything i read about this that he may well have been an undiagnosed aspie unfortunately.
Apart from all the loner stuff, the fact that he seems to have felt totally alone in the world, that he was obviously bullied, obsessiveness, reports he had poor social skills, he had speech problems as a child
His grandfather said Cho was "well-behaved" as a child in South Korea, but troubled his parents because of speech problems.
The great aunt of killer gunman Cho Seung-Hui says she feared he was autistic.
http://www.reuters.com/news/video/videoStory?videoId=49202and on the video his voice sounds monotonous like Napoleon dynamite's.
Although i went on about gun laws i don't think that's the real problem here. I'm speculating but i think the real problem was that he was allowed to slip through the net without being diagnosed, without getting the psychiatric attention he obviously should have had - not just for other's safety but for his own mental health. I think if he'd got more help he wouldn't have done what he did.
I know most people don't like to talk about things like that and just want to say "he was just fucked up - just pure evil" but i just don't ever see things like that. I don't really think there's such a thing as "evil"
I really hope this isn't going to mean other aspie types are going to get a harder time if people see similarities to this guy