A good night's sleep, and not to have to get up at 8am....well, I do allow myself a 10-minute period to try and rev up to speed, have a rollup before getting out of bed and such, let my eyes adjust to the light, but I HAVE to get up tomorrow/today, so I'll be going to bed very soon. I need to make sure I get an appointment with my dr, as my rx is due to run out on a weekend day, which means now or never, and buggered if I am going without any oxycontin for 3 days and a night. To hell with that! I quite like being able to eat, sleep, and have my myoclonic attacks controlled. Oh, and not to mention walk, or lie down on my side without yelping in pain every time I move.
So, a couple of sleeping pills and I've saved my full daily dose of clonidine, the latter works pretty well to reliably knock me out cold, whereas even with high doses of benzos, I often don't really respond to them much, chlormethiazole on the other hand, brilliant stuff, even if it does look like a potential carcinogen, much, much heavier duty stuff, and a damn sight more reliable&effective than any benzo I've ever tried (out of diazepam, nordiazepam, oxazepam, chlordiazepoxide, loprazolam, lorazepam, temazepam and nitrazepam-soon to give one of the thienodiazepines a test for occasional use when I want something sedating, but don't want anything as powerful as heminevrin, as well as wanting to keep some about the house o when I wish, I can do a benzo taper off the chlormethiazole, which I intend to do every now and then, assuming it proves needed itself. To try and taper using chlormethiazole itself would be difficult and inconvenient, as it only comes in one form here-192mg softish gelatin capsules, and the contents are not a powder that can be divided and weighed on my sensitive set of scales, but rather, its the liquid freebase, IIRC dissolved as a suspension in oil. It melts plastic, and as for dissolving in a solvent safe for consumption as a vehicle....no thanks. I sometimes use a pin or needle to prick a few tiny holes in the buggers before swallowing, so as to allow for faster absorption and a little faster speed of onset. And it has a really potent smell to it...half way between metallic, diethyl ether, and sort of minty, with an ever so slight hint of burnt sulfur.
Been meaning to try phenazepam (long acting russian benzo, and possibly a novel looking pyridine ring-based benzo that might be going into production by some companies. Solely out of interest on the whole, but having SOMETHING that means I can take breaks whe *I* decide it would be a prudent idea, without stopping collecting my rx for them (still want to keep them around, and don't intend to permanently stop any time around now, just to be equipped to take periodic breaks, to prevent formation of either physical dependency, or even any tolerance greater than a week or twos worth of continued use at a time. Meanwhile they can just mount up until i have a nice healthy stash, when they are not in use.
What I want right now, is a good, deep, uninterrupted sleep until I get up and go see my doc. Then to take my OC, eat, piss, have a rollup, and go straight back to bed, only getting up a bit before it would be cutting it too fine to get into town on the tram before 6pm, as I want to pick up a bag of 'black mamba' smoking blend. I think though rather than pay 25/3g (more than for the same of actual herb, I'll just get a little bit from the headshop, and buy a gram or two of the active component, AM-2201, much, much cheaper. I can dissolve a pre-weighed quantity in a bit of THF, ether, acetone, or whatever happens to dissolve it best and spray my own herb base carrier material with it easily enough. Will likely buy a bit though just so I can have a smoke tomorrow.
And right at this very minute? I want my clothes all off, so I can flop down on my bed, have a quick swig or two of the bottle of WKD purple I have left (got 2, as they were on offer), and a bed time pipe.
And did I mention I want not to have to get up in the morning at near enough 8 sodding am?