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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #45 on: April 12, 2007, 04:25:36 PM »
Here's the relevant link from that site:
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #46 on: April 12, 2007, 04:29:48 PM »
Maybe Scrap can use those proxies. They haven't found out that I'm Swedish yet, so I doubt that I need to hide my real IP from them.

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #47 on: April 12, 2007, 04:39:32 PM »
Quote from: omega_female
Quote from: Litigious
I get remarks of that kind on Intensity all the time. Do I ban people for it? No.
there are some members here who are under sixteen; they don't need to hear about the sex that Thepeaguy will never have.  :|

Quote from: Peter
Quote from: 8ball
I'm 32 and would like to remain blissfully unaware of pman's sex life also.

Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #48 on: April 12, 2007, 04:43:35 PM »

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2007, 04:58:16 PM »
you people are certifiable trolls. :clap:

sorry i can't contribute, but i can only read what people post here.  tose AV'ers are ethnocentirc to the nth degree.


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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #50 on: April 12, 2007, 05:04:10 PM »
Quote from: omega_female
the people on Intensity are the ONLY ones who are interested in hearing about that. one day they'll get lives of their own, and move on from who i am / who i'm not sleeping with.

No shit, bitch? I had sex with a girl too young to be a member of your forum less than two months ago.  8)

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #51 on: April 12, 2007, 05:05:48 PM »
Here you go McJ:

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:04     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Just follow the link and sign the thread with any complaints, questions, or discussions you have! It will not be deleted! You do not have to sign in or register, it is free to guests just give an email address.

[Mod Edit]: Visit this link at your own risk.

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Why am I seeing this?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:08     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I think the Mods should lock this thread and remove the link. If you don't like the regulations on AV, then you always have the choice to leave. Nobody is keeping you prisoner here and there are many places on the internet where you can talk uncensored if that is indeed your wish.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:21     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
It's useful for people to be able to see what Intensity is like in my opinion

I don't think we're going to lose many people to the site as it has a completely different ethos to AV

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:26     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Robert, are you that afraid of a little discussion? Many people feel that locking, deleting and banning are disturbingly overused tactics on many aspie boards, often ostensibly to protect vulnerable members, but in my opinion, it only serves to maintain the vulnerability of the more sheltered members by preventing them from developing coping strategies, and all too often, such boards descend into sycophantic circle-jerks as everyone fears that any negative comment will result in reprimand.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:27     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
It's useful for people to be able to see what Intensity is like in my opinion

I don't think we're going to lose many people to the site as it has a completely different ethos to AV

Thats true, Nessa. Its just I don't like the whole way it has been done. Its as though the people on there think they can decide AV policy from their forum when AV has nothing to do with them. Still, Duncvis' hand must have grown very long indeed if he thinks he can influence anything here.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:42     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Robert, are you that afraid of a little discussion? Many people feel that locking, deleting and banning are disturbingly overused tactics on many aspie boards, often ostensibly to protect vulnerable members, but in my opinion, it only serves to maintain the vulnerability of the more sheltered members by preventing them from developing coping strategies, and all too often [...]

Hi Peter.

Heated discussion and confrontation is fine as long as it doesn't degenerate into out-and-out abuse as the recent incident did.

Banning people on this web site is only used as the very last-resort (obviously) and it is extremely rare that anyone ever gets banned. If people don't mind verbal abuse etc. then that is fine - let them post on sites like Intensity, but that the reason for this site's existence is to provide a safe friendly atmosphere and personal abuse against anyone will not be tolerated.

Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
everyone fears that any negative comment will result in reprimand.

I am happy to be put right, but I really don't think people on this site live in fear of being reprimanded.

Thanks Peter.

From Mike.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 18:48     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
RobertN wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
I think the Mods should lock this thread and remove the link. If you don't like the regulations on AV, then you always have the choice to leave. Nobody is keeping you prisoner here and there are many places on the internet where you can talk uncensored if that is indeed your wish.

Hi Robert.

Although you are right about people having the choice to leave etc., I think that if people want to discuss the merits or otherwise of Aspie Village on sites like Intensity then I think they should be allowed. The mods etc. are always open to suggestions or sensible criticism about the site from members. Having said that, I don't think I will be visiting that link. Smile

Thanks Robert.

From Mike.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:22     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
mutate wrote:  ‹ Select ›
...Just follow the link and sign the thread with any complaints, questions, or discussions you have! It will not be deleted! You do not have to sign in or register, it is free to guests just give an email address.

But you haven't told the members here what you're up to, have you mutate? You've copied large chunks of threads from this site and posted them on the site in question, in contravention of copyright. You've also, previously, posted photographic material from this site, on the site in question. You've done this for the amusement of the bunch of manipulators who run that place, several whom, as is evidenced by their stable relationships and children, aren't exactly the most socially-challenged people on the spectrum. All that is at the expense of AV being allowed to function as a place where individuals can come in relative safety to make friends, and interact. The type of behaviour you're participating in is disgusting, though I don't really blame you so much as the people who run the place you linked to. I know you've previously written about wanting to fit in, and I suppose your behaviour is allowing you to do that with the regard to the reprobates who run that site.

I've previously, elsewhere, warned of what these people are doing. They have a deliberate agenda of disrupting support-type sites. The place is run by a semi-paranoid (induced by his self-confessed heavy cannabis habit) individual, and a megalomaniacal sidekick (who moderates on at least three other AS sites), who use their positions to harass and abuse people who criticise their appalling behaviour. You can't just join the site in question, then leave. If they take a dislike to you, you'll be excluded from the other AS sites where they also have influence. If you then post at their site to remonstrate, they'll modify the contents of your posts to prevent you. They'll stalk you in other places you visit, copying your posts to the place in question in order to ridicule you. Several people have been victims of this, including a number of members of this site.

To summarise, the place in question is a barely-legal, completely unethical, den of iniquity that exists mainly for the amusement of a socially-able aspergic elite, and a few NT hangers-on. That amusement is at the expense of those who have a more challenging manifestation of Aspergers Syndrome, and the abusers in question manipulate others to range well beyond the borders of their site to target, and recruit, victims. This thread is evidence of that.

I hope members here will find my analysis of the situation clear.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:23     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I am glad I am not the only person who does not like Intensity. I had one visit to the site and could not get out fast enough. I thought it may have been because I am older then most in the site, but that is obviously not the case. I don't think that there is ever a reason to be nasty to each other and as most of us have been bullied and made to feel bad at sometime in our lives can't under stand how aspies want to do that to each other.


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:34     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Punctual wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
I am glad I am not the only person who does not like Intensity. I had one visit to the site and could not get out fast enough. I thought it may have been because I am older then most in the site, but that is obviously not the case. I don't think that there is ever a reason to be nasty to each other and as most of us have been bullied and made to feel bad at sometime in our lives can't under stand how aspies want to do that to each other.


A number of members here have been targeted by Intensity. My advice is to remove the link. I've commented on a number of sites, previously, how I think one day they'll push someone to suicide. As this is primarily a support site, the link in the post has no place here.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:37     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Certainly an interesting site - I had no idea there were 'Dark Aspies' out there. Shocked

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:53     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
...and all too often, such boards descend into sycophantic circle-jerks as everyone fears that any negative comment will result in reprimand.

I dont mind a circle-jerk, as long as no-one takes offense to my rubber gloves and anti-bacterial soap.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:53     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Hmmmm difficult to decide really

I think as Peter says, you can't keep people totally wrapped up in cotton wool as they never learn how to stand up for themselves

But, I think there's a big difference between learning the world can be a nasty place and how to defend yourself from it's worst excesses and positively revelling in nastiness, as many on Intensity appear to do, in my opinion

It does all depend very much on your place on the spectrum in my opinion

I suspect that those closer to the NT end are far more likely to want to emulate NT-like
behaviour and have the potential to find the more autistic among us boring/annoying and therefore see them as easy targets for abuse

It's not big and it's not clever though really is it?! Wink

Surely the true test of 'hardness' is an actual NT site!

I'm all for discussion of the issues though; stifling of debate is undemocratic and causes factions to develop

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 19:57     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›

I'm all for discussion of the issues though; stifling of debate is undemocratic and causes factions to develop

Maybe a 'gloves off' subforum would be an idea? Wink

Having had a quick look at Intensity it seems they have a beef with 'censorship' on AV and WP.

Is that generally the case or are this lot just objecting to being picked up on bullying behaviour?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:02     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
er we already have one - The Lockup, an anonymous, no-holds-barred-type forum but it's currently locked due to misuse lol

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:11     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
er we already have one - The Lockup, an anonymous, no-holds-barred-type forum but it's currently locked due to misuse lol

That is truly bizarre.

the Darksiders have a 'gloves on' subforum but it seems your pass expires after 30 days and then you're thrown to the wolves.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:16     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
In my opinion, if people want to go to Intensity and mess around and be nasty, thats fine. Personally, its not my idea of fun and I would loath for this site to become anything like Intensity. I am also disgusted at some people on Intensity who copy threads from other support sites like AV and WP and link to them in order to riducle someone who is not a member of Intensity and has never chosen to be.

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Why am I seeing this?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:19     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
But don't you see that your very outrage is amusing to these people Robert?

If you tone down your response to mild disdain it's far more effective and they are deprived of their kicks

There's a place for that kind of site and people wil always want to push the envelope - it's human nature
- just avoiding the site is the best remedy - out of sight is out of mind

AV is never going to become like Intensity as it's too well policed by the likes of me! Lol

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:24     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I'm in two minds as to whether to go over to Intensity and 'mess around and be nasty'.

I wonder what the maximum negative karma score is . . .

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:27     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Please just stop it everyone, *puts hands on ears and hums loudly*.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:30     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
I'm in two minds as to whether to go over to Intensity and 'mess around and be nasty'.

I wonder what the maximum negative karma score is . . .

As Mike says, its completely up to you, mate - but be warned! Laughing

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:31     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I would advise experimentation - it's all good experience

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:34     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I think this thread has just about run its course now...

From Mike.

*Thread Locked*
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #52 on: April 12, 2007, 05:07:17 PM »
thanks, from all us unworthy yanks.

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #53 on: April 12, 2007, 05:07:33 PM »
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:43     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
dnsdude wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Hi Peter.

Heated discussion and confrontation is fine as long as it doesn't degenerate into out-and-out abuse as the recent incident did.

Really? Why's the new thread been locked then? I didn't notice any degeneration into out-and-out abuse.

dnsdude wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
I think this thread has just about run it's course now...

From Mike.

Why not leave it up to the members to decide that on an individual basis? Nobody's compelled to post in it; those that wish to should be able to, and those that don't wish to are free not to. Is heated discussion not allowed after all?

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:47     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Quote:  ‹ Select ›
I am happy to be put right, but I really don't think people on this site live in fear of being reprimanded.

Here's a quote from a member of this site:

Quote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
We have a member (around 35 years old) called [Mod Edit]: Name Removed who "had to spend 3 days in bed on my back and miss work" because of the stress and depression people disagreeing with him caused him. So now, on AV noone is allowed to disagree with him. He starts threads about politics, but all threads that don't say "Yes very good point I agree" are deleted so he doesn't see them. And he is a professional who gives speeches about Autism.

Sounds like dissatisfaction to me. I know that I get very frustrated on sites where I have to tiptoe on eggshells all the time.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:49     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
RobertN wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Still, Duncvis' hand must have grown very long indeed if he thinks he can influence anything here.

Dunc didn't start the thread; one of the members from here did, due to genuine concerns that member had about this site. Dunc isn't out to get you Robert.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:49     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Well here's something I'm sure we can all agree on:

edited to correct link - terribly sorry

Last edited by 8ball on Thu 12 Apr, 2007 20:59; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:53     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Ascan wrote:  ‹ Select ›
I hope members here will find my analysis of the situation clear.

As clear as any paranoid rant.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 20:53     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I'm quite new to here and this kind of forum, and have never been to intensity.

I don't really like censorship much in principle, and in my experience of other (non-AS, although I think there are some aspies) forums it seems like it can work quite well if anyone being offensive and out of order is just left to be called on it by other members. they then maybe just back down or are just ignored in the future or even apologise or change their ways. But then I don't know what was said today or if this kind of noncensorship would be appropriate for the aims of this site.

But I think this site has it's rules and you can take it or leave it, and as has been demonstrated, there are other unmoderated forums people can go to

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:00     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter is an Intensity member, and former admin there, who's joined to disrupt this site. Like I said, they have a policy of attacking places like this.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:00     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I must admit that while I understand moderators can't monitor the site 24/7, there seems to be an uneven-handed approach

ie all hell will be kicking off, with people being offensive (I include myself here, on occasion) yet nothing happens for ages moderation-wise ie people are seeing this stuff and presumably either revelling in it/hiding under the bed clothes in fright etc, whatever, essentially they arent being screened from it in any way yet they're all still alive to tell the tale after so it's not the end of the world ie The Worst Is Over

Then, when it's often all calmed down anyway, any further debate, which is often just curious people wanting to find out what's been going on and adding their 2pence-worth, a thread will often be locked or removed

This seems like a knee-jerk reaction 'after the horse has bolted' in my opinion and is frustrating

It seems a bit unnecessary anyway

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:02     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Thing is, there are lots of forums where everyone can call each other a **** and talk about who they want to F***. They don't seem to be saying anything controversial, just making the usual dick jokes.

Is Intensity supposed to be some kind of training ground for the NT forums?

And I fixed my link about musical breast implants.
I is teh cultured.



Last edited by 8ball on Thu 12 Apr, 2007 21:04; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:03     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Have you ever heard of poisoning the well? A significant number of intensity members are former admins, due to the election system, Ascan.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:06     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Please everyone stop posting so quickly!

My well thought out and intelligent posts are getting lost in the affray! Sad

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:09     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
... A significant number of intensity members are former admins, due to the election system, Ascan

Really? I thought the system was more akin to that used by Robert Mugabe.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:09     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
this forum is still dead slow compared to another forum i go on.. you can post something and it can fall of the page within 5 minutes, and a controversial thread can easily get 500+ replies within a day

and I agree that I don't quite understand why that other thread was locked. *shrugs*

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:09     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I don't suppose its possible Peter and Peeguy joined with a genuine wish of making friends, and found the strict-ness of some aspects of the site to much to resist making mischief?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:11     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I can go with that theory Tom

I have to say, Peter has been making a lot more of a convincing case than P though

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:13     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
that seems likely, but maybe that's a bit like walking into a new pub and saying you want to make friends there but you don't like the house rules and your usual pub is better

Anyway like i said there are plenty of unmoderated sites - i spend an excessive amount of time on one of them (ironically the name of the site has the initials "NT" but it isn't some kind of anti-aspie site!) and in a way it's nice to have a calmer arena here, but a bit of controversy does help liven things up i find

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:14     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
We can't post as quickly as the average NT site Spag - our brains are slower at processing! lol

Mine is anyway!

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:15     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Thing is, there are lots of forums where everyone can call each other a **** and talk about who they want to F***. They don't seem to be saying anything controversial, just making the usual dick jokes.

Is Intensity supposed to be some kind of training ground for the NT forums?

And I fixed my link about musical breast implants.
I is teh cultured.



I was about to post a bit about intensity on the other thread, but couldn't finish my post, since the thread had been locked. I'll post it here now, assuming this thread doesn't get locked while I'm typing this.

8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
er we already have one - The Lockup, an anonymous, no-holds-barred-type forum but it's currently locked due to misuse lol

That is truly bizarre.

the Darksiders have a 'gloves on' subforum but it seems your pass expires after 30 days and then you're thrown to the wolves.

Besides the rookie refuge (which isn't used much), we also have a 'forum for people with actual problems' where people can go and have a more supportive atmosphere. There's no moderation in it, but people have respected it's purpose, and a lot of members have sought and received support in it. Intensity isn't primarily a support site; it's more a place where people can kick back and relax, without having to worry about saying the wrong thing and being banned or having their posts edited or deleted, and since I often cross the line on forums since I'm seldom aware of where the line actually is, I find intensity a very relaxing place.

Intensity was originally created in the wake of the trouble at WP, where Alex was manipulating information to his advantage (and still is) by deleting posts and banning members at an alarming rate, thus the strong bias against censorship of any kind.

It's not about throwing people to the wolves either; it's about having a place where everyone can fully express themselves, and where the only consequences come from the reactions of the other members, rather than admin and mod intervention. A lot of aspies felt disenfranchised by heavy-handed admins and mods who would often silence them for being confrontational or controversial, and intensity allows those people to have a voice. Some of the most disruptive members, like Randy, post there because no other site is tolerant enough to put up with them, but people who like to play the system often can't handle it and leave, since there isn't any system to play and they're open to the full range of responses from other members for their behaviour.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:15     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nice blog by the way Peter, lol. seems very well researched Smile

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:16     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
So would a reasonable summing up be:

WP: US site for youngsters and parents. Heavy-handed moderators.
AV: UK site for Aspie issues, support, meet mates. Some inconsistency wwith handling of dissent/conflict.
I2: Site for those that want to have a practise ding-dong to test their 'masking' skills.


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:17     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

But nastiness is positively admired on that site, you must admit?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:20     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
is Intensity a UK site?

why is having an argument with other aspies considered "practice to test masking skills"?
you seem to be saying that discussions with aspies is practice for the "real world" of NTs? sounds a bit patronising but apologies if i've misunderstood

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:20     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›

But nastiness is positively admired on that site, you must admit?

Well, I've been prodding at it for a good hour and haven't found a single picture of a kitten yet . . .

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:23     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
spaghetto wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›

you seem to be saying that discussions with aspies is practice for the "real world" of NTs? sounds a bit patronising but apologies if i've misunderstood

I suppose to a degree I'm saying that. I don't mean it to be patronising but most NT sites can look downright intimidating to someone on the spectrum who has limited understanding of banter and hierarchy-reinforcement and all the other behaviours that look pretty hostile (including open hostility in a lot of cases).

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:24     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›

But nastiness is positively admired on that site, you must admit?

Well, I've been prodding at it for a good hour and haven't found a single picture of a kitten yet . . .

Here's one:

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:25     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Well, apologies for labouring a point but you appear more NT than many so you prob find it more exciting than scary as you have less to fear...

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:26     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
spaghetto wrote:  ‹ Select ›
nice blog by the way Peter, lol. seems very well researched Smile

Thanks; I do my best. I've been too ill lately to write new posts for it, but hopefully I'll be able to get started again soon.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:26     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›

Here's one:

Off limits to a non-member, that one.

Is this part of your clandestine recruiting drive? Shame on you

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:26     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
blocked unless you register has some very geeky but cute pics of cats

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:27     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Im finding this thread extremely NT and typically male-dominated in fact Rolling Eyes

Heaven only knows what's going on on the New Person Forum as well...

Clique Alert!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:28     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Well, apologies for labouring a point but you appear more NT than many so you prob find it more exciting than scary as you have less to fear...

Don't know if you're directing that at me but if so it might also be because I've been cutting my teeth on a very lively NT site for a few years now. I found that place pretty scary to start with. I just put on the Yul Brynner face, though. Twisted Evil

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:30     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I meant that there's a danger of the more NT types dominating, finding each other, forming a clique and deffing out the rest of us Wink

Do it by all means but i'll call you on it every time


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:30     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Well, apologies for labouring a point but you appear more NT than many so you prob find it more exciting than scary as you have less to fear...

Is the measure of an NT how uninhibited they are and is the measure of an aspie how fearful they are? There are a lot of uninhibited aspies, and a lot of frightened NT's; the uninhibited aspies just don't feel welcome on most aspie sites due to the bias against confrontation and heated discussions, and a lot of otherwise uninhibited aspies seriously tone down their behaviour on most sites to avoid being banned, which causes them a lot of stress and difficulty, since they've got to act a certain way, just like if they were among NT's.

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:32     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›

Here's one:

Off limits to a non-member, that one.

Is this part of your clandestine recruiting drive? Shame on you

So it is. You'll just have to take my word for it then. It's a very cute kitten with a caption reading "You eated my cookie?"

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:33     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
. . . . I'm not sure if I've missed something now . . .


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:33     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Well, I was going to delte my "had to be done" link, but the locking has stopped me doing that, So I guess its saved for prosterity.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:33     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
But Pe-ter!

You have your own ready-made site for that type of behviour!

You keep extolling the virtues of it - are you on some kind of a recruitment drive or on Missionary work, trying to convert us all?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:34     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Im finding this thread extremely NT and typically male-dominated in fact Rolling Eyes

Heaven only knows what's going on on the New Person Forum as well...

Clique Alert!

What do you find NT about it? Intensity is actually about 40% female; a lot of the women quite like posting there.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:36     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I'm feeling left out!

That's NT enough for me!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:36     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:37     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to topDelete this post
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
But Pe-ter!

You have your own ready-made site for that type of behviour!

You keep extolling the virtues of it - are you on some kind of a recruitment drive or on Missionary work, trying to convert us all?

Well, it all started when Peaguy got banned, then Mutant started a thread about issues he had with this place, so I came along to see what all the fuss was about, and decided to stick around for a bit. Call it my OCD aspie nature if you like, but I don't like to see a good discussion die.

*Thread Locked*
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14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #54 on: April 12, 2007, 05:09:02 PM »
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:45        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
Is it an official policy here to lock all the interesting threads?
Is it an official policy here to lock all the interesting threads?Is it an official policy here to lock all the interesting threads?
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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:46     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
last in?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:47     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter, you just don't know when to admit defeat do you?!

Give it up! Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:48     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I really think you are having a detrimental effect on site morale

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:49     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
You'll be posting your nude photos on here next....

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:50     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
i think it was the kitten pic that was the final straw..

again, can't people ignore threads they don't like? and enjoy the ones they do like?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:50        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
You'll be posting your nude photos on here next....

Oooo, don't tempt me. Wink
Quote from: nessa456
You'll be posting your nude photos on here next....
Oooo, don't tempt me. :wink:
Quote from: nessa456
You'll be posting your nude photos on here next....
Oooo, don't tempt me. :wink:
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:50     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Damn nude kitten pics!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:53        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
Of course, linking to a thread they're in isn't exactly posting them, is it?
Of course, linking to a thread they're in isn't exactly posting them, is it?Of course, linking to a thread they're in isn't exactly posting them, is it?
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:54     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Some of our members are of a VERY sensitive disposition!

They do not need their fragile minds traumatized by horrificaly cute, not to mention extremely NT bunny photos!

That's all NTs do all day in office environments - coo over cute sickly photos of babies and bunnies!


We make a firm stand against the bunnies on this site!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:59     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
The photos dont display on my PC - I think they are blocked

Thank God for that!

I feared for my AS child-like innocence for a moment there....

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:00     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I think Peter's packin a bit more than a bunny in those pics

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:00     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Peter, you just don't know when to admit defeat do you?!

Give it up! Rolling Eyes

He has the members of the prominent Aspie Elite of Intensity behind him, or at least one of us, namely me. Cool

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:04     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
It must be God himself who has miraculously shielded my innocent eyes from those photos

The next unsuspecting Bambi-like ASer might not be so lucky tho.....

I know what I'd do if I was Moderating..... Smile

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:06     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Moderation is for emos. On Intensity we have freedom of speech. Cool

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:07     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I am not familiar with this 'emo' word

Please elucidate

Is it American by any chance?

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:10     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Aye - from Washington DC itself:

Always glad to be of service Wink

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:10     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
I am not familiar with this 'emo' word

Please elucidate

Is it American by any chance?

No, it's an abbreviation for "emotional"="oversensitive".

You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:12     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Aye - from Washington DC itself:

Always glad to be of service Wink

You did an aspie thing. Here is the right explanation:

You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:14     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
That's silly, AS gives me the Goddamned right to be over-sensitive and emotional - it's my birthright!

You run the risk of unmasking yourself as a non-ASer by poking fun at sensitivity

If you're not sensitive you are missing out on all the best things in life in my opinion
and i'd seriously question whether you're even autistic!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:16     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Litigious wrote:  ‹ Select ›

You did an aspie thing. Here is the right explanation:

Nope, I did a muso thing.

I was into the first and second waves of emo, before it became a heap of shit bands and a cult of miserabilism.

Fugazify your life:

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:16     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
That's silly, AS gives me the Goddamned right to be over-sensitive and emotional - it's my birthright!

You run the risk of unmasking yourself as a non-ASer by poking fun at sensitivity

If you're not sensitive you are missing out on all the best things in life in my opinion
and i'd seriously question whether you're even autistic!

I was officially dxd with AS in January 1995. When were you dxd?

You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:19     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Aspie willy-waving ahoy!!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:20     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
this isn't meant as an attack or anything but isn't a possible feature of AS having blunted emotions and lack of empathy
I don't think emotional sensitivity is a necessary condition for having AS - it might be correlated but it doesn't mean that if your not sensitive then you definitely can't have AS.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:21     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
In October 2003 thank you very much!

Well you've been well and truly NT-ified - Congrats and all that.....

Your certificate is in the post

Rolling Eyes

Oh and close the door on your way out

Last edited by nessa456 on Thu 12 Apr, 2007 22:23; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:23     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Now now . . some of my best friends are NT!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:24        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top

(Not actually me in the pic.)

Spaghetto wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
this isn't meant as an attack or anything but isn't a possible feature of AS having blunted emotions and lack of empathy
I don't think emotional sensitivity is a necessary condition for having AS - it might be correlated but it doesn't mean that if your not sensitive then you definitely can't have AS.

A lot of aspies I know have very blunted emotions, and I've known a fair few who're on a constant emotional roller coaster. It's definitely in no way an indication of the presence or lack of AS. I, personally, have blunted emotions.
(Not actually me in the pic.)
Quote from: Spaghetto
this isn't meant as an attack or anything but isn't a possible feature of AS having blunted emotions and lack of empathy I don't think emotional sensitivity is a necessary condition for having AS - it might be correlated but it doesn't mean that if your not sensitive then you definitely can't have AS.
A lot of aspies I know have very blunted emotions, and I've known a fair few who're on a constant emotional roller coaster. It's definitely in no way an indication of the presence or lack of AS. I, personally, have blunted emotions. (Not actually me in the pic.)
Quote from: Spaghetto
this isn't meant as an attack or anything but isn't a possible feature of AS having blunted emotions and lack of empathy I don't think emotional sensitivity is a necessary condition for having AS - it might be correlated but it doesn't mean that if your not sensitive then you definitely can't have AS.
A lot of aspies I know have very blunted emotions, and I've known a fair few who're on a constant emotional roller coaster. It's definitely in no way an indication of the presence or lack of AS. I, personally, have blunted emotions.
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:26     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Good point Spaghetto

But as I have AS and am therefore ALWAYS RIGHT

I have to disagree

I am a sadly victim of my own condition Sad

But seriously.....

I know my own kind

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:27     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
in my opinion, it only serves to maintain the vulnerability of the more sheltered members by preventing them from developing coping strategies, and all too often, such boards descend into sycophantic circle-jerks as everyone fears that any negative comment will result in reprimand.

and Intensity is completely free of "sycophantic circle-jerks" i suppose? Laughing get real; the only difference is that the sycophantic circle-jerks on Intensity will harass you, spread rumours about you and ruin your reputation if you express an opinion that isn't appreciated by the in-crowd.

give me a good old-fashioned thread-locking / suspending / banning over the alternative, any day...... oh wait, that happened to me only the other day! what a coincidence it was on a board that is moderated by two of the admins from Intensity!

and i'd love [sarcasm] to see your philosophy extended to society, in general. we could berate, abuse and humiliate other people, and then we could all act terribly surprised when it turned out that the phrase "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is fundamentally flawed!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:27     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I am actually getting a bit confused now. people can be idiots/offensive/rude/annoying and still have AS. at least, according to any definition i've read. don't get this whole "You must be NT" thing. But maybe saying this makes me NT now?

Also I thought "emo" was a style of music sometimes associated with a lot of shoegazing and moaning and a certain kind of fashion - all part of the same thing

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:29     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
As in, nice, AV-type folks.... Smile

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:32     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I just feel threatened by some people, not threatened by others

There is a predominance of the more threatening type abounding on the site currently

I can handle it, but can the more vulnerable members of the site?

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:33     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
You'll be posting your nude photos on here next....

Oooo, don't tempt me. Wink

I trust you will not subject us to such torture.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #55 on: April 12, 2007, 05:09:55 PM »
Does anyone of you feel threatened by me? They do on AV according to nessa/esme:

Quote from: nessa456
I just feel threatened by some people, not threatened by others

There is a predominance of the more threatening type abounding on the site currently

I can handle it, but can the more vulnerable members of the site?


Perhaps your infamy precedes you mate. We don't fear you; we're too old and our arses aren't inviting enough.  :eyebrows:

lit, you have been getting pwned alot lately.


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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #56 on: April 12, 2007, 05:10:30 PM »
Hi, jerks!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:42     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Why did you ban one of our members from here, and why do you lock all threads where Intensity members are demanding an explanation? Rolling Eyes

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:43     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
that's not all that constructive a title tbh, but i must admit i'm finding all the locked threads a bit frustrating.
Can't people ignore the threads they don't like?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:44     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Oh no, it's the militantant wing of the AS No Self-Expression With Moderation Front!

They'll start digging up your grandma if you don't bow to their demands! Sad

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:44     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Do people play 'last in' here?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:45     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
A Lit thread not about Anal Sex????? I thought I'd never live to see the day!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:50     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
mutate wrote:  ‹ Select ›
A Lit thread not about Anal Sex????? I thought I'd never live to see the day!

I have just started it. Unless the thread is locked and/or I'm being banned, that might change. Cool

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:50     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Give it time...

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:51        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
I didn't notice that you'd started this thread, Lit.
I didn't notice that you'd started this thread, Lit.I didn't notice that you'd started this thread, Lit.
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:54     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
I didn't notice that you'd started this thread, Lit.

That's OK. It can't do any harm having two threads about the same topic. Wink

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:56     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
A little emo here, aren't they?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 21:59        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
Where's your anal thread? Did it get deleted?
Where's your anal thread? Did it get deleted?Where's your anal thread? Did it get deleted?
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:01     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Where's your anal thread? Did it get deleted?

Hahaha, no I haven't started one yet. Laughing

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:02     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
is it mainly trolls on intensity then?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:04     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
No, it's the Aspie Elite.

Who are emphatically NOT a bunch of NT tossers that need to find people with slower social-processing hardware so they can assert some kind of dominance.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:05     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Do people play 'last in' here?

Not as yet, but ive noticed pictures of kittens started popping up recently so who knows! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:06     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
LOL Laughing


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:06        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
spaghetto wrote:  ‹ Select ›
is it mainly trolls on intensity then?

Not really, but intensity members do tend to be pretty uninhibited and enjoy a good argument. On most sites, threads get locked as soon as they get juicy.
Quote from: spaghetto
is it mainly trolls on intensity then?
Not really, but intensity members do tend to be pretty uninhibited and enjoy a good argument. On most sites, threads get locked as soon as they get juicy.
Quote from: spaghetto
is it mainly trolls on intensity then?
Not really, but intensity members do tend to be pretty uninhibited and enjoy a good argument. On most sites, threads get locked as soon as they get juicy.
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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:07     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
what's this kitten thing all about? are kittens banned or something?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:13     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Where's the SAS bodyguard when you need him?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:15     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
thing is there's a difference between a juicy, heated controversial discussion and just baiting/flaming people for the f* of it..

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:16        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
I want to read the nunchucka thread. Sad
I want to read the nunchucka thread. :(I want to read the nunchucka thread. :(
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:21     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
which one is that?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:30        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
which one is that?


Unfortunately, it's in the forum which has been locked at the moment, so I can't give you a link to it or read it myself.
Quote from: nessa456
which one is that?
Unfortunately, it's in the forum which has been locked at the moment, so I can't give you a link to it or read it myself.
Quote from: nessa456
which one is that?
Unfortunately, it's in the forum which has been locked at the moment, so I can't give you a link to it or read it myself.
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:37     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
spaghetto wrote:  ‹ Select ›
what's this kitten thing all about? are kittens banned or something?

kitten-posting & 'last in' are both sort of rituals played on another forum which 8ball & myself frequent.

'last in' is where you try and be the last to post before the thread gets binned (locked & moved to the 'dustbin' forum.

'kitten posting' was a phase a few years back where the 'fluffy' clique (mostly girls) would attempt to 'fluff up' any nasty aggressive threads by posting a non-stop barrage of cute kitten.jpgs . you probably had to be there Wink

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:37     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Nothing exciting happened after that

Someone posted a photo of the lad who's head is on the body builder photo above saying 'This is what I look like, so you can recognise me at the station, I will protect you' etc

I complained about the photo being of a possibly autistic person, so it was bad to be getting a cheap laugh out of it (which it is)

Et Voila!

Site locked!

It's a Gift, a Pure Gift

of which I am very proud! Smile

Its the lack of any form of respect or compassion for people such as the person in that photo that, to me, betrays a nasty mind-set
that really has no place on this site, whether the person posting it has AS or not...

Being autistic myself I think 'There but for the grace of God go I'

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:38     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Hi Peter

I can't help thinking you are the Jerk for wanting to upset so many people. What pleasure does it give you. Does it give you a sense of power?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:39     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
oh i see


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:48        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
Punctual wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Hi Peter

I can't help thinking you are the Jerk for wanting to upset so many people. What pleasure does it give you. Does it give you a sense of power?


I'm not setting out with the purpose of upsetting people. I'm posting here with the purpose of establishing conversation on subjects of censorship and expression, hopefully to increase my understanding of your position and your understanding of mine, and some people are being upset by it as a by-product. It's like having a political or religious debate; some people will get upset by it as their personal sacred cow is prodded and poked, but the purpose of the discussion isn't to upset them; it's to learn. Would you call me a jerk for starting a thread on Catholicism or Tony Blair if people were upset by it?
Quote from: Punctual
Hi Peter I can't help thinking you are the Jerk for wanting to upset so many people. What pleasure does it give you. Does it give you a sense of power? Punctual
I'm not setting out with the purpose of upsetting people. I'm posting here with the purpose of establishing conversation on subjects of censorship and expression, hopefully to increase my understanding of your position and your understanding of mine, and some people are being upset by it as a by-product. It's like having a political or religious debate; some people will get upset by it as their personal sacred cow is prodded and poked, but the purpose of the discussion isn't to upset them; it's to learn. Would you call me a jerk for starting a thread on Catholicism or Tony Blair if people were upset by it?
Quote from: Punctual
Hi Peter I can't help thinking you are the Jerk for wanting to upset so many people. What pleasure does it give you. Does it give you a sense of power? Punctual
I'm not setting out with the purpose of upsetting people. I'm posting here with the purpose of establishing conversation on subjects of censorship and expression, hopefully to increase my understanding of your position and your understanding of mine, and some people are being upset by it as a by-product. It's like having a political or religious debate; some people will get upset by it as their personal sacred cow is prodded and poked, but the purpose of the discussion isn't to upset them; it's to learn. Would you call me a jerk for starting a thread on Catholicism or Tony Blair if people were upset by it?
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:49     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
We still think you're evil Wink

Think Tom Berenger in Platoon

I am Willem Dafoe - I win!

Tom appears to be Charlie Sheen - we are in a battle for his soul

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:50     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
psych wrote:  ‹ Select ›

kitten-posting & 'last in' are both sort of rituals played on another forum which 8ball & myself frequent.

Don't see no 'Psych' on that other forum . . .

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:50     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
It's jerkish to questioning others aspies' dxs. Evil or Very Mad

You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:54     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

And we've established that some kinds of behaviour are threatening and you are behaving in a threatening, unfriendly manner that, with any luck, will get you banned pretty soon!


I thought I was thick... Rolling Eyes


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:55     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Litigious wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Why did you ban one of our members from here...

do think it could possibly have anything to do with the explicitly sexual remarks he made about one of the members? just a wild guess.

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Why am I seeing this?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:58     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
This Litigious person isn't very bright - ANOTHER reason why I question their AS diagnosis - we are all very intelligent on here!

You're lowering the IQ count, please leave now!

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 22:59     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
omega_female wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Litigious wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Why did you ban one of our members from here...

do think it could possibly have anything to do with the explicitly sexual remarks he made about one of the members? just a wild guess.

I get remarks of that kind on Intensity all the time. Do I ban people for it? No.

You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:01     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
This Litigious person isn't very bright - ANOTHER reason why I question their AS diagnosis - we are all very intelligent on here!

You're lowering the IQ count, please leave now!

Oh, sorry. I guess many among you have an IQ over 145? Quite a brain trust.

You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:02     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
It's a curse we deal with every day.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:03     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa/esme, come over to Intensity and argue there, if you dare. Twisted Evil

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:07        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
Nessa, do you know what the diagnostic criteria for AS actually are? Here's some tips; they don't include being nice, fearful, emotionally sensitive or highly intelligent. Also, if you think Lit isn't intelligent, you should examine your reasons for thinking so; you most likely have prejudices against him that are distorting your perception.
Nessa, do you know what the diagnostic criteria for AS actually are? Here's some tips; they don't include being nice, fearful, emotionally sensitive or highly intelligent. Also, if you think Lit isn't intelligent, you should examine your reasons for thinking so; you most likely have prejudices against him that are distorting your perception.Nessa, do you know what the diagnostic criteria for AS actually are? Here's some tips; they don't include being nice, fearful, emotionally sensitive or highly intelligent. Also, if you think Lit isn't intelligent, you should examine your reasons for thinking so; you most likely have prejudices against him that are distorting your perception.
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:12     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Diagnostic criteria for being gay don't necessarily entail fearfulness, emotional sensitivity etc. but if you were running a site which you wanted to be a 'safe haven' for young gay people to talk about their experiences you'd want to comport things with a degree of sensitivity and a welcoming atmosphere.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:17     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
We are welcoming on Intensity. We ask rookies if they're the sensitive kind or not. If they answer "yes" and behave nicely to other members, no one will flame or bully them in any way.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:20        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Diagnostic criteria for being gay don't necessarily entail fearfulness, emotional sensitivity etc. but if you were running a site which you wanted to be a 'safe haven' for young gay people to talk about their experiences you'd want to comport things with a degree of sensitivity and a welcoming atmosphere.

Which isn't the issue I was addressing. Nessa was questioning Lit's diagnosis on the basis of his emotional sensitivity and intelligence when they aren't even diagnostic criteria.

Also, Intensity is very welcoming. Nessa came over to us a while ago to chew us out over RoberN's accusations of bullying, but then decided to stay for a bit once she figured out that Robert was full of shit and that we were actually quite nice.

Kev wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›

What do You like about Intensity2?
Nessa wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
It's different to the other AS boards I've seen

It's like the 'Indie', non-conformist version of AS
Quote from: 8ball
Diagnostic criteria for being gay don't necessarily entail fearfulness, emotional sensitivity etc. but if you were running a site which you wanted to be a 'safe haven' for young gay people to talk about their experiences you'd want to comport things with a degree of sensitivity and a welcoming atmosphere.
Which isn't the issue I was addressing. Nessa was questioning Lit's diagnosis on the basis of his emotional sensitivity and intelligence when they aren't even diagnostic criteria. Also, Intensity is very welcoming. Nessa came over to us a while ago to chew us out over RoberN's accusations of bullying, but then decided to stay for a bit once she figured out that Robert was full of shit and that we were actually quite nice.
Quote from: Kev
What do You like about Intensity2?
Quote from: Nessa
It's different to the other AS boards I've seen It's like the 'Indie', non-conformist version of AS
Quote from: 8ball
Diagnostic criteria for being gay don't necessarily entail fearfulness, emotional sensitivity etc. but if you were running a site which you wanted to be a 'safe haven' for young gay people to talk about their experiences you'd want to comport things with a degree of sensitivity and a welcoming atmosphere.
Which isn't the issue I was addressing. Nessa was questioning Lit's diagnosis on the basis of his emotional sensitivity and intelligence when they aren't even diagnostic criteria. Also, Intensity is very welcoming. Nessa came over to us a while ago to chew us out over RoberN's accusations of bullying, but then decided to stay for a bit once she figured out that Robert was full of shit and that we were actually quite nice.
Quote from: Kev
What do You like about Intensity2?
Quote from: Nessa
It's different to the other AS boards I've seen It's like the 'Indie', non-conformist version of AS
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:23     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I've only checked it over cursorily but it looked to me like there was a 30 day 'grace' period and then the gloves were off.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:24     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Litigious wrote:  ‹ Select ›
I get remarks of that kind on Intensity all the time. Do I ban people for it? No.

there are some members here who are under sixteen; they don't need to hear about the sex that Thepeaguy will never have. Neutral

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:26     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I'm 32 and would like to remain blissfully unaware of pman's sex life also.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:28     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
omega_female wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Litigious wrote:  ‹ Select ›
I get remarks of that kind on Intensity all the time. Do I ban people for it? No.

there are some members here who are under sixteen; they don't need to hear about the sex that Thepeaguy will never have. Neutral

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:30        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select ›
I'm 32 and would like to remain blissfully unaware of pman's sex life also.

Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?
Quote from: 8ball
I'm 32 and would like to remain blissfully unaware of pman's sex life also.
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?
Quote from: 8ball
I'm 32 and would like to remain blissfully unaware of pman's sex life also.
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:33     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
8ball wrote:  ‹ Select ›
I'm 32 and would like to remain blissfully unaware of pman's sex life also.

Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:48     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
I find the endless discussion of the rounds of desperate joyless rotation-F*** dull enough when it's people I know.

I guess Aspies come with the gossip software pre-loaded after all.

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Why am I seeing this?


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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:49     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?

the people on Intensity are the ONLY ones who are interested in hearing about that. one day they'll get lives of their own, and move on from who i am / who i'm not sleeping with.

Light a candle for the sinners - set the world on fire.
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 23:59     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
omega_female wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?

the people on Intensity are the ONLY ones who are interested in hearing about that. one day they'll get lives of their own, and move on from who i am / who i'm not sleeping with.


You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 00:01        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to top
omega_female wrote:  ‹ Select › ‹ Expand ›
Peter wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?

the people on Intensity are the ONLY ones who are interested in hearing about that. one day they'll get lives of their own, and move on from who i am / who i'm not sleeping with.

We had good reason for being so fascinated with the whole affair, thanks to Robert's involvement.
Quote from: omega_female
Quote from: Peter
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?
the people on Intensity are the ONLY ones who are interested in hearing about that. one day they'll get lives of their own, and move on from who i am / who i'm not sleeping with.
We had good reason for being so fascinated with the whole affair, thanks to Robert's involvement.
Quote from: omega_female
Quote from: Peter
Would you like to know all about Omega's games of hide the salami with Ascan?
the people on Intensity are the ONLY ones who are interested in hearing about that. one day they'll get lives of their own, and move on from who i am / who i'm not sleeping with.
We had good reason for being so fascinated with the whole affair, thanks to Robert's involvement.
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PostPosted: Yesterday at 00:06     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Slanderous Gossip - another NT 'thing'

Yes, actually the over-emphasis on all things sexual is a dead givaway

Many people with AS tend to be asexual/can take or leave sex

We have a more mature attitude to it anyway

And before you start quoting me from Intensity Peter - When in Rome....

For the record I was initially interested in Intensity but quickly realised it was a one-trick pony, with many of the people on it being quite shallow and I'd say warped if I didn't know any better; not being able to drop your guard gets very tedious after a short while
and not a good atmosphere for honest debate.

How you can call the place relaxing God only knows! It's like a nest of vipers!
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #57 on: April 12, 2007, 05:12:47 PM »
Does anyone of you feel threatened by me? They do on AV according to nessa/esme:

Quote from: nessa456
I just feel threatened by some people, not threatened by others

There is a predominance of the more threatening type abounding on the site currently

I can handle it, but can the more vulnerable members of the site?


Perhaps your infamy precedes you mate. We don't fear you; we're too old and our arses aren't inviting enough.  :eyebrows:

lit, you have been getting pwned alot lately.


I can't always win.  8)

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #58 on: April 12, 2007, 05:32:25 PM »

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 00:17     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
nessa456 wrote:  ‹ Select ›
Slanderous Gossip - another NT 'thing'

I suggested at my work that they have an intranet app that shows exactly who is shagging whom, who has shagged whom in the past and who knows about said ruttings so that I could check it and make sure I didn't commit my usual faux pas.

I offered to do the programming (the access controls are the tricky bit) but they just looked at me like a dog being shown a card trick.

One minute I'm being berated for my lack of 'tact' and we're having 'little talks about my attitude', then the next they won't let me help them to help me avoid creating a trail of social destruction.

NTs sure are a conundrum.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 00:23     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

I never made it to the inner sanctum where such arcane knowledge is freely imparted in most of my jobs!

I did my bit to actually create some of the gossip tho...

There's some who get on with it and others who just talk about it endlessly...

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 00:25     Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top
Quote:  ‹ Select ›
I suggested at my work that they have an intranet app that shows exactly who is shagging whom, who has shagged whom in the past and who knows about said ruttings so that I could check it and make sure I didn't commit my usual faux pas.

lol! that's a brilliant idea.. although i'm not entirely surprised at the reaction you got..
the database would be rather empty at my company.

Instead someone maintains a spreadsheet of sick days people have taken and have sweepstakes on who will take the most sickdays.

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PostPosted: Yesterday at 00:29        Reply with quoteEdit/Delete this postBottom of PageBack to topDelete this post
nessa456 wrote:
Slanderous Gossip - another NT 'thing'

Yes, actually the over-emphasis on all things sexual is a dead givaway

Many people with AS tend to be asexual/can take or leave sex

We have a more mature attitude to it anyway

And before you start quoting me from Intensity Peter - When in Rome....

For the record I was initially interested in Intensity but quickly realised it was a one-trick pony, with many of the people on it being quite shallow and I'd say warped if I didn't know any better; not being able to drop your guard gets very tedious after a short while
and is not a good atmosphere for honest debate.

How you can call the place relaxing God only knows! It's like a nest of vipers!

Id also say there was a sense of fear, despair and nihilism underlying the bravado - an inability
to self-accept

Slander is when it's not true, and if it's written rather than spoken, it's libel. As a super-intelligent aspie, shouldn't you know that?

Yes, I know that many people with AS are apathetic towards sex. Many people with AS are very interested in sex. Neither has any bearing on the presence or absence of AS in an individual. What, precisely, is more mature about your attitude towards sex? Over at intensity we hold frank discussions about it without anyone getting upset or embarrassed. Is that immature of us? Omega's sex life isn't interesting because it involves sex; rather, it's interesting for more complicated reasons that you're probably not aware of.

What's your obsession with deriding us as NT's? Is it so hard to accept that not all aspies are polite, fearful asexuals? Does it disturb you to think that some aspies like to suck their own cum out of people's assholes? Or that aspies can be bold, outgoing and aggressive?

Intensity is an ideal atmosphere for honest debate. When you don't get your way, no amount of crying to the admins will get the thread locked or deleted, making it as honest as it gets. There's also no need to have your guard up; people there don't randomly attack each other, however you did come in with your guns blazing when you joined, challenging us all about our DX's when you didn't even know us. We were very polite and tolerant towards you in return.
Quote from: nessa456
Slanderous Gossip - another NT 'thing' Yes, actually the over-emphasis on all things sexual is a dead givaway Many people with AS tend to be asexual/can take or leave sex We have a more mature attitude to it anyway And before you start quoting me from Intensity Peter - When in Rome.... For the record I was initially interested in Intensity but quickly realised it was a one-trick pony, with many of the people on it being quite shallow and I'd say warped if I didn't know any better; not being able to drop your guard gets very tedious after a short while and is not a good atmosphere for honest debate. How you can call the place relaxing God only knows! It's like a nest of vipers! Id also say there was a sense of fear, despair and nihilism underlying the bravado - an inability to self-accept
Slander is when it's not true, and if it's written rather than spoken, it's libel. As a super-intelligent aspie, shouldn't you know that? Yes, I know that many people with AS are apathetic towards sex. Many people with AS are very interested in sex. Neither has any bearing on the presence or absence of AS in an individual. What, precisely, is more mature about your attitude towards sex? Over at intensity we hold frank discussions about it without anything getting upset or embarrassed. Is that immature of us? Omega's sex life isn't interesting because it involves sex; rather, it's interesting for more complicated reasons that you're probably not aware of. What's your obsession with deriding us as NT's? Is it so hard to accept that not all aspies are polite, fearful asexuals? Does it disturb you to think that some aspies like to suck their own cum out of people's assholes? Or that aspies can be bold, outgoing and aggressive? Intensity is an ideal atmosphere for honest debate. When you don't get your way, no amount of crying to the admins will get the thread locked or deleted, making it as honest as it gets. There's also no need to have your guard up; people there don't randomly attack each other, however you did come in with your guns blazing when you joined, challenging us all about our DX's when you didn't even know us. We were very polite and tolerant towards you in return.
Quote from: nessa456
Slanderous Gossip - another NT 'thing' Yes, actually the over-emphasis on all things sexual is a dead givaway Many people with AS tend to be asexual/can take or leave sex We have a more mature attitude to it anyway And before you start quoting me from Intensity Peter - When in Rome.... For the record I was initially interested in Intensity but quickly realised it was a one-trick pony, with many of the people on it being quite shallow and I'd say warped if I didn't know any better; not being able to drop your guard gets very tedious after a short while and is not a good atmosphere for honest debate. How you can call the place relaxing God only knows! It's like a nest of vipers! Id also say there was a sense of fear, despair and nihilism underlying the bravado - an inability to self-accept
Slander is when it's not true, and if it's written rather than spoken, it's libel. As a super-intelligent aspie, shouldn't you know that? Yes, I know that many people with AS are apathetic towards sex. Many people with AS are very interested in sex. Neither has any bearing on the presence or absence of AS in an individual. What, precisely, is more mature about your attitude towards sex? Over at intensity we hold frank discussions about it without anything getting upset or embarrassed. Is that immature of us? Omega's sex life isn't interesting because it involves sex; rather, it's interesting for more complicated reasons that you're probably not aware of. What's your obsession with deriding us as NT's? Is it so hard to accept that not all aspies are polite, fearful asexuals? Does it disturb you to think that some aspies like to suck their own cum out of people's assholes? Or that aspies can be bold, outgoing and aggressive? Intensity is an ideal atmosphere for honest debate. When you don't get your way, no amount of crying to the admins will get the thread locked or deleted, making it as honest as it gets. There's also no need to have your guard up; people there don't randomly attack each other, however you did come in with your guns blazing when you joined, challenging us all about our DX's when you didn't even know us. We were very polite and tolerant towards you in return.
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14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Uncensored Disscussion About Aspie Village
« Reply #59 on: April 12, 2007, 05:44:49 PM »
this, from the number one subject of intensity squared (according to omega):

But you haven't told the members here what you're up to, have you mutate? You've copied large chunks of threads from this site and posted them on the site in question, in contravention of copyright. You've also, previously, posted photographic material from this site, on the site in question. You've done this for the amusement of the bunch of manipulators who run that place, several whom, as is evidenced by their stable relationships and children, aren't exactly the most socially-challenged people on the spectrum. All that is at the expense of AV being allowed to function as a place where individuals can come in relative safety to make friends, and interact. The type of behaviour you're participating in is disgusting, though I don't really blame you so much as the people who run the place you linked to. I know you've previously written about wanting to fit in, and I suppose your behaviour is allowing you to do that with the regard to the reprobates who run that site.

I've previously, elsewhere, warned of what these people are doing. They have a deliberate agenda of disrupting support-type sites. The place is run by a semi-paranoid (induced by his self-confessed heavy cannabis habit) individual, and a megalomaniacal sidekick (who moderates on at least three other AS sites), who use their positions to harass and abuse people who criticise their appalling behaviour. You can't just join the site in question, then leave. If they take a dislike to you, you'll be excluded from the other AS sites where they also have influence. If you then post at their site to remonstrate, they'll modify the contents of your posts to prevent you. They'll stalk you in other places you visit, copying your posts to the place in question in order to ridicule you. Several people have been victims of this, including a number of members of this site.

To summarise, the place in question is a barely-legal, completely unethical, den of iniquity that exists mainly for the amusement of a socially-able aspergic elite, and a few NT hangers-on. That amusement is at the expense of those who have a more challenging manifestation of Aspergers Syndrome, and the abusers in question manipulate others to range well beyond the borders of their site to target, and recruit, victims. This thread is evidence of that.

I hope members here will find my analysis of the situation clear.

at least he is consistent in his dullusional mind.
i just feel horrible that he warped omega's mind in the process.