Author Topic: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?  (Read 3908 times)

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2007, 09:19:30 PM »
As a good copperhead, I fully support secession rights.


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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2007, 05:35:19 AM »

It could change if you could go to a library for once in your lifetime.
peaguy what is that supose to mean?

I think he's suggesting that you'd meet more chavs and pikeys (whatever they are) that way.


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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2007, 03:55:25 PM »


So, how else are you going to learn what one must only guess are slang terms in a library?
Strikes me that it would be easier on the net.


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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2007, 01:43:49 PM »
As a good copperhead, I fully support secession rights.

Do you think we could get San Fransico to secede from the planet ??...... A good idea IMO.


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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2007, 01:44:01 PM »


So, how else are you going to learn what one must only guess are slang terms in a library?
Strikes me that it would be easier on the net.

I was implying that he wouldn't be associated with the stereotype if he'd improve his education.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2007, 09:40:11 PM »


So, how else are you going to learn what one must only guess are slang terms in a library?
Strikes me that it would be easier on the net.

I was implying that he wouldn't be associated with the stereotype if he'd improve his education.

You weren't implying anything - you changed your name.


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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #51 on: April 19, 2007, 09:07:26 AM »


So, how else are you going to learn what one must only guess are slang terms in a library?
Strikes me that it would be easier on the net.

I was implying that he wouldn't be associated with the stereotype if he'd improve his education.

You weren't implying anything - you changed your name.

Stop trying to be so annoyingly evasive.

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #53 on: July 11, 2017, 12:59:50 PM »
Charvers are salt of the earth alright.

What happens when you salt earth? it becomes poison and nothing wants to live anywhere near it.

Same goes for dirty, thieving shit-for-skin white trash guttersnipes who would no more recognize either intellect nor the concept of honor than a sea slug would be capable of calculating the correct re-entry trajectory for a space flight. Vile little bastards, whenever I see a couple of pikey filth kicking each other's heads in, or read that some chav shanked another chav with a broken beer bottle in a drunken stupor (is it possible to BE in a stupor, if one is already a mindless flesh-puppet cretin spawned from the foetid bowels of a 12-year-old crack whore with the looks of an 80 year old tanning booth addict, three teeth, ten kids paid for by the dole and an attitude that needs periodic drastic adjustment with a fermented piss-soaked sock full of broken bricks and battery acid?) then I dance with glee inside, whilst darwinian principles exert themselves and weed out another rancid little dog turd floating around, and contaminating the shallow end of the gene pool.

They are dirt, dirt that can walk, and (attempt to) talk, albeit saying nothing of value to humankind, of which they are most certainly not to be considered part.

IMO it ought to be made legal to indulge in something akin to predator sport hunting of chavs, as a way of keeping the population down. Maybe with a govt-sponsored bounty upon collection of a certain number of sub-human flayed skulls, perhaps extra for some particularly creative scrimshaw art of a notable (within the limits of the nature of the prey of course) hunt and artful kill. It couldn't possibly be considered murder. That would be committing pesticide. Chavs are nature's way of telling the ebola virus 'look, fucker, you think your bad news, and you are, but you really are not the nastiest, vilest  most detestable, abhorrent, verminous piece of shit ever to infest the face of the earth, sorry, you win silver in the noxious cunt olympics'
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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #54 on: July 11, 2017, 07:52:37 PM »

So basically the difference is chavs are violent?  :orly:

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2017, 11:20:59 PM »

So basically the difference is chavs are violent?  :orly:

Basically someone had to come up with *something*.
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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #56 on: July 12, 2017, 09:45:58 AM »
The two are the same thing. Its like the terms 'faggot' and 'battyman' or 'nigger' and 'wog'.

They are  dirty bastards that want burning alive.
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Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #57 on: July 12, 2017, 12:56:00 PM »
They are  dirty bastards that want burning alive.

Kinda like heroin junkies?  :trollface:

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #58 on: September 20, 2017, 11:08:39 PM »
Charvers are salt of the earth alright.

What happens when you salt earth? it becomes poison and nothing wants to live anywhere near it.

Same goes for dirty, thieving shit-for-skin white trash guttersnipes who would no more recognize either intellect nor the concept of honor than a sea slug would be capable of calculating the correct re-entry trajectory for a space flight. Vile little bastards, whenever I see a couple of pikey filth kicking each other's heads in, or read that some chav shanked another chav with a broken beer bottle in a drunken stupor (is it possible to BE in a stupor, if one is already a mindless flesh-puppet cretin spawned from the foetid bowels of a 12-year-old crack whore with the looks of an 80 year old tanning booth addict, three teeth, ten kids paid for by the dole and an attitude that needs periodic drastic adjustment with a fermented piss-soaked sock full of broken bricks and battery acid?) then I dance with glee inside, whilst darwinian principles exert themselves and weed out another rancid little dog turd floating around, and contaminating the shallow end of the gene pool.

They are dirt, dirt that can walk, and (attempt to) talk, albeit saying nothing of value to humankind, of which they are most certainly not to be considered part.

IMO it ought to be made legal to indulge in something akin to predator sport hunting of chavs, as a way of keeping the population down. Maybe with a govt-sponsored bounty upon collection of a certain number of sub-human flayed skulls, perhaps extra for some particularly creative scrimshaw art of a notable (within the limits of the nature of the prey of course) hunt and artful kill. It couldn't possibly be considered murder. That would be committing pesticide. Chavs are nature's way of telling the ebola virus 'look, fucker, you think your bad news, and you are, but you really are not the nastiest, vilest  most detestable, abhorrent, verminous piece of shit ever to infest the face of the earth, sorry, you win silver in the noxious cunt olympics'


It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Lestat

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #59 on: September 22, 2017, 02:43:21 AM »
''They are  dirty bastards that want burning alive.''

By this I should expand, in explaining I was applying this solely to the pikey/charvers, and not also to blacks and queers. Using the latter two merely as a category in explaining that here in the UK at least, the two perjoratives 'pikey' and 'chav' are equivalent in the same way. Lest anybody think I was suggesting burning fags and black people alive.
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