Thanks Calamity

I might add that it is a fluke 'good' photo of me tho lol
It was taken when I was ill with flu at the time so Im possibly delerious and hence looking happy lol
Brummie is the term used to refer to a person from Birmingham, one of the largest cities in UK after London
It might be the '2nd (largest) City' but I think it's in competition with Manchester for that
I come from Wolverhampton, which is in the West Midlands area (centre of UK) of which Birmingham is a part
But, and this is a very important but, Wolverhampton is also classed as coming under an area called The Black Country, of which Birmingham is not a part and yet the term 'Brummie' is often used to refer to anything in the general West Midlands/Midlands area which is not very accurate as Black Country peope have a very much more down to earth character to people from Birmingham, who are more urban I'd say. Each town in the Black Coutnry has it's own specific dialect/character in my opinion.
Also when people try and take off a Brummie accent, it's invariably a Dudley one that they actually do
- this is irritating as well
Lenny Henry the comedian has the typical Dudley accent