When I said a lot ofthat stuff about the AS/NT dichotomy I was trying to defend the AV site from invaders as well
and beign cheeky deliberately
In fact I was astonished that some people got offended by what I said - I don't believe a lot of the crap I spout, I just say it for comic effect a lot of the time lol
I'm playing to the crowd a lot of the time, imagining what will make people laugh
It's posting as performance art!

All my bfs have been NT, so I don't hate them
I used to wind one bf up something chronic by spouting the NT stuff tho - he hated the term
and it became 'the word that cannot be said' lol
But the term AS was pretty much the same ie he was embarrassed by it and said 'It's not something to boast about is it?!'