Author Topic: Aspies For Freedom  (Read 5557 times)

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #60 on: June 09, 2008, 03:26:32 PM »
So you say it's a choice, then?
Its a choice whether or not to reveal it, and asides it comes out in adolesence, so its a different kettle of fish. Acting camp (which btw is where a lot of shit comes from) is definitely a choice.

oh noes, not this discussion again.  ::)

it's not a choice to be gay, hadron, although there is some choice as to behaviour, etc.  and gay people went through fucking shit too, they're just at a later stage of the "education/understanding/acceptance" curve, as it were.
Gay people went through shit largely by their own choices, my (more or less former) stepbrother is prime example of that. It is very easy to hide, the camp behaviour on his part was definitely insecure attention seeking, which the gay rights movement provide a mechanism for. Hell yes I know you both are going to disagree with me on this one, but this view of mine has come of experience of certain peoples behaviour.

If anything, the pendulum has swung way too far in their favour. Effectively at our expense by them hogging the lime light. Thanks to lobbying, it is now more of a crime to beat someone up for being gay than disabled, despite the latter in most cases being well more vulnerable. Now why on earth (a) are they and (b) should they be further up the queue than us?

that's based on very little experience, hadron - you might want to read up on it a bit more.

and yes, there are gay people who are shits too.  they're people.

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #61 on: June 09, 2008, 03:29:17 PM »

This will not lead anywhere.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Lucifer

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #62 on: June 09, 2008, 03:34:12 PM »
it might - there are gay fooms too, you know.


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #63 on: June 09, 2008, 03:41:38 PM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #64 on: June 09, 2008, 03:42:59 PM »
**ozymandias sits on his hands, shuts his mouth and shrugs, as he doesn't know what and how he should say something.**


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #65 on: June 09, 2008, 04:29:04 PM »
Seriously, "R", this is one fight you can't win.  I had problems with what was happening on AFF, BUT, it's Amy and GAreth's domain.  It's only a message board, a bunch of scattered electrons assembling themselves on your computer screen.  Seriously, what did you expect would happen to you when you posted the "prison raper" piece on there.  Or go ballistic like you can do.   Remember our little tussle??  Remember how you described your first impression of I2 to me, after I first offered it to you and others on AI???

I'm not fighting you, I'm just presenting some ideas that might be worth thinking about.   I could care less about AFF any more, it's not my place, in fact, I'm drifting away from every AS/autism forum that I'm on at present.  I'm only on AI, out of strong loyalty to Crucibelle, BUT, If you had posted that video on AI, what do you think I or Crucibelle would have done??

Crucibelle would have banned your ass in a heartbeat.  She did it to Gwynfryn, for questioning othe people's dx.  She even came back recently, after I unbanned him, and he started doing the same thing, she asked me if I wanted her to ban him again.  I told her it was my mess and I would handle it, so I posted a warning and he hasn't been back since.

Now here's how I would have handled you posting that, (remember AI as well as AFF is a family oriented forum, I don't know "Max the Bear" and never will.), first, I would delete that post,
second if you posted it again, I would delete and openly warn you, third if you posted it yet again, I'd ban you.  Crucibelle would ban your ass without warning or second thought. 

Why am I saying all this, perspective, simple perspective, why are you getting your knickers in a knot over a message board??  I know your an intense and volatile individual, but, your also a deeply methodical and sensitive man.  Just stop, take a deep breath and think about all this crap.  There's a helluva lot more to life than a "message board." 

Oh, BTW, don't stop venting here, just expect others to challenge you on your words, positions and thoughts. 


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #66 on: June 09, 2008, 04:43:58 PM »
Bringing this thread back to life, I honestly would like to know WHY "Aspies" For Freedom shows such strong favoritism to gays; EVEN IF those gays are NeuroTypical. All I can think of that Amy Nelson is a total FAGhag and so she gives permission for homos like Max the bear to litter the site with his Bullshit and ignores the endless stream of complaints about his behaviour. I thought when I joined that is was an Aspie forum but its really turning out to be a Gay forum..... >:(

And homophobes such as yourself aren't allowed to spread their venom there? poor you. Want a manly hug?

I dont think you understand. Max the bear was regularly insulting and tauntin people with his passive-aggressive Bullshit so I complained to Amy the admin but she couldnt be bothered to do anything about it. Max then continued to provoke me and asked me sarcastically how it was going with my gf at the time whom I was clearly fed up with and I sprung a witty comeback on him that I would tell him about my lovelife when He told me about his lattest NAMBLA meetings :lol:.
He started with this bullshit when I started a thread ranting about Slutty straight women. So what Im saying is that he and his other gay buttbuds on AFF were allowed to litter their BullShit on AFF with impunity. I warned him in a PM that if he kept it up I would find him in Oakland and Wallop his Bitch_Ass and thats what got me banned. This issue isnt homosexuality, its that certain people on AFF were given priviledges to insult and harass other members and those people happened to be gay. So WTF else am I supposed to conclude?
What pisses me the FUCK off is how gay men have solidarity with straight women and think of themselves as de facto women when they are STILL MEN! >:(
Thats why that BITCH max started giving me shit, because he felt I had insulted straight women. St00pid fag............. :grrr:

To tmia pulumchva nac vatieche evistho, aomai nac murinash aule. Thuvas sheronaith themiasa avilchval aomai marashm. Sanshl selace, etanal unialastres thamuce avish fleresh holaiesh sanshl tiur il  :cthulhu:

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #67 on: June 09, 2008, 04:47:50 PM »

This will not lead anywhere.

Not true!

I've heard that ALL drains lead to the ocean.

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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #68 on: June 09, 2008, 04:50:13 PM »
it might - there are gay fooms too, you know.


*teehees, like a ten year old, precocious child*
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #69 on: June 09, 2008, 04:54:26 PM »
Why do you feel the need to attack one minority group so you can defend another?
One is a minority by choice, another is born into it, is my line. Ideally there should be no such concept as a minority group, people should be individuals. Obviously under the current social order this is practically impossible of course, but by one group setting themselves aside as a minority in such a provocative manner (hell its not just the gays who do this, and all groups who do this are going to attrct my ire here) they are perpetuating the system for their own ends.

So you say it's a choice, then?
Its a choice whether or not to reveal it, and asides it comes out in adolesence, so its a different kettle of fish. Acting camp (which btw is where a lot of shit comes from) is definitely a choice.

oh noes, not this discussion again.  ::)

it's not a choice to be gay, hadron, although there is some choice as to behaviour, etc.  and gay people went through fucking shit too, they're just at a later stage of the "education/understanding/acceptance" curve, as it were.
Gay people went through shit largely by their own choices, my (more or less former) stepbrother is prime example of that. It is very easy to hide, the camp behaviour on his part was definitely insecure attention seeking, which the gay rights movement provide a mechanism for. Hell yes I know you both are going to disagree with me on this one, but this view of mine has come of experience of certain peoples behaviour.

If anything, the pendulum has swung way too far in their favour. Effectively at our expense by them hogging the lime light. Thanks to lobbying, it is now more of a crime to beat someone up for being gay than disabled, despite the latter in most cases being well more vulnerable. Now why on earth (a) are they and (b) should they be further up the queue than us?

that's based on very little experience, hadron - you might want to read up on it a bit more.

and yes, there are gay people who are shits too.  they're people.
Oh yes true. I have no objection to gay people in general, as long as they are relatively private about it. Its the narcisstic parading and whining that bothers me so much, and the effects it has on others. Stonewall and co are a big group in perpetuating this current nasty PC culture, which incidently gets used against aspies who are liable to speak their minds a little too much.

Bear in mind this is coming from the same guy who was perfectly cool when his stepsibling had his bf around for gay sex. The camp agenda is something totally different, and in most cases is fuelled by personal gain and generally being directly shitty to people. Its this and the activists that go with it that happen to be my bee in my bonett so to speak.


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #70 on: June 09, 2008, 08:58:36 PM »
So you say it's a choice, then?
Its a choice whether or not to reveal it, and asides it comes out in adolesence, so its a different kettle of fish. Acting camp (which btw is where a lot of shit comes from) is definitely a choice.

oh noes, not this discussion again.  ::)

it's not a choice to be gay, hadron, although there is some choice as to behaviour, etc.  and gay people went through fucking shit too, they're just at a later stage of the "education/understanding/acceptance" curve, as it were.
Gay people went through shit largely by their own choices, my (more or less former) stepbrother is prime example of that. It is very easy to hide, the camp behaviour on his part was definitely insecure attention seeking, which the gay rights movement provide a mechanism for. Hell yes I know you both are going to disagree with me on this one, but this view of mine has come of experience of certain peoples behaviour.

If anything, the pendulum has swung way too far in their favour. Effectively at our expense by them hogging the lime light. Thanks to lobbying, it is now more of a crime to beat someone up for being gay than disabled, despite the latter in most cases being well more vulnerable. Now why on earth (a) are they and (b) should they be further up the queue than us?

that's based on very little experience, hadron - you might want to read up on it a bit more.

and yes, there are gay people who are shits too.  they're people.

First off, I acknowledge the Fact that sexual orientation is no more of a choice than (biological)gender or having AS. However, there are certain aspects of Gay culture and the way some gay guys behave that I find offensive and I am NOT talking about what they do in bed! Im talking about the way they interact with others. I Have ZERO patience and tolerence for passive-aggressive behaviour and other dishonest social games which regretably are very popular in *gay culture*  :grrr:. I also resent the HELL out of how many gay men disown their manhood and expressive solidarity with Straight Women >:(. Furthermore, it really *cracks me up* how straight women just LUV (effete)gay men but are apprehensive and discomforted by Lesbians! :thumbdn: I have know gay men in person who did NOT fit the stereotype and I never made these kinds of remarks in front of them, around them, or to anyone who they knew. But what I saw on AFF made me FURIOUS with the Administrators for allowing that Bullshit! It also pisses me off how gay men and straight women these days seem to have a sense of entitlement. They think they should get to behave ANY old fucking way they want to cuz they're gay or female and if you criticize how they treat others they label you as a Biggot ::).

To tmia pulumchva nac vatieche evistho, aomai nac murinash aule. Thuvas sheronaith themiasa avilchval aomai marashm. Sanshl selace, etanal unialastres thamuce avish fleresh holaiesh sanshl tiur il  :cthulhu:

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #71 on: June 09, 2008, 09:03:17 PM »
Oh yes true. I have no objection to gay people in general, as long as they are relatively private about it. Its the narcisstic parading and whining that bothers me so much, and the effects it has on others. Stonewall and co are a big group in perpetuating this current nasty PC culture, which incidently gets used against aspies who are liable to speak their minds a little too much.

Bear in mind this is coming from the same guy who was perfectly cool when his stepsibling had his bf around for gay sex. The camp agenda is something totally different, and in most cases is fuelled by personal gain and generally being directly shitty to people. Its this and the activists that go with it that happen to be my bee in my bonett so to speak.
I agree on some of this. In the past I thought of joining AFF. I took a look at their board and saw how militant a lot of the people on there were. Some gay people are like this as well.

In being militant about their rights, they are doing to others what they don't want done to them. No wonder there are reactions to this, negative or otherwise.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #72 on: June 09, 2008, 09:05:24 PM »
MIGHT I ADD: Homosexuality is Very easy to conceal whereas for many of us, our AS is blatantly Obvious. EVEN when we try to pass for normal. I really think that the analogy between Aspergers and (male)Homosexuality is a BAD one. Being an Aspie is more like being Black than being gay.Thats why the Aspie Movement should be modeled on the Black Power movement instead of the attention seeking gay pride movement.
To tmia pulumchva nac vatieche evistho, aomai nac murinash aule. Thuvas sheronaith themiasa avilchval aomai marashm. Sanshl selace, etanal unialastres thamuce avish fleresh holaiesh sanshl tiur il  :cthulhu:

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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #73 on: June 09, 2008, 09:22:25 PM »
MIGHT I ADD: Homosexuality is Very easy to conceal whereas for many of us, our AS is blatantly Obvious. EVEN when we try to pass for normal.
I have tried for 31 years to pass for normal/not autistic and I still haven't got it right.

Thats why the Aspie Movement should be modeled on the Black Power movement instead of the attention seeking gay pride movement.
Why do we need a "movement"? How about educating and advocating? Doesn't need to be "in your face".
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way


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Re: Aspies For Freedom
« Reply #74 on: June 09, 2008, 09:54:55 PM »
MIGHT I ADD: Homosexuality is Very easy to conceal whereas for many of us, our AS is blatantly Obvious. EVEN when we try to pass for normal.
I have tried for 31 years to pass for normal/not autistic and I still haven't got it right.

Thats why the Aspie Movement should be modeled on the Black Power movement instead of the attention seeking gay pride movement.
Why do we need a "movement"? How about educating and advocating? Doesn't need to be "in your face".

We need a Movement to form an interest coalition because That is how you get things done! ;)
Without an interest coalition, NTs simply have no incentive to treat us fairly. People are naturally inclined to dislike and mistreat those they see as being different, UNLESS of course there is a social incentive not to do so. THAT is what gays and to some extent what blacks have managed to accomplish and the way they did it was to ORGANIZE into a group.
To tmia pulumchva nac vatieche evistho, aomai nac murinash aule. Thuvas sheronaith themiasa avilchval aomai marashm. Sanshl selace, etanal unialastres thamuce avish fleresh holaiesh sanshl tiur il  :cthulhu: