I mean, whatever happened to Autism Squeaks? Their shenanigans at least kept the ASD forums somewhat riled up with activity.
Now I never hear about them, but then again I've been under a rock.
Autism Squeaks is trying to do damage control, and those who call them out on their bullshit on Facebook get automated AI responses instead of genuine human interaction. I know because I was one of those who was calling them out on their crap.
I see...they're robots now.
I remember my own attempt at activism in Second Life many years ago. I mean, while we're on the topic of AFF, Gareth was involved in this.
Lets just say that he went on his own escapade one day, and certainly didn't care on whose face the egg landed.
I also learned that people like to grab at any opportunity to mindlessly virtue signal to make themselves look good, and just pick whatever fresh charity of the day to do so.
People took offense to our activism against Autism Squeaks, despite them having NO knowledge of the charity they were supporting or the polarization Autism Squeaks caused.