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Troll bashing is fun

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Had to share this - its one of the reasons I haven't been posting as much - having too much fun here.

Don't think he was expecting such an amused response to his 'jews, niggers, fags, commies' cracks... enjoy. I certainly did.  ;D

that guy is full of malarki

He wishes. I'm sure he fancies us, I've never seen such a closet case. :laugh:

Merry Widow:
this is my favourite quote from the thread:

--- Quote ---racist illegitimate spawn of Nick Griffin

--- End quote ---

  :laugh: best insult ever!

I remember having a set to with a National front member once.
He was handing out "chuck them out of our Britain" leaflets.
I pretty much ridiculed the cunt in front of his buddies, made a few comments hinting about his sexual orientation and rather dark features, he went nuts.

However the fun part was the other guys he was with ended up fighting with him, it was like oh my god she hinted he was part foreign and gay IN PUBLIC, we have to beat the shit out of him so we dont lose face even though hes our mate.

My work was done. My brother and his mates pants were soiled though through fear, they actually left me with the guy thinking i was gonna get a kicking!

I cant abide cunts like that, trying to force their twisted beliefs or their fantasist notions onto others.

Between them and the persistant fools that follow you begging for money. I go into town to shop, not to get plagued by people moaning about women in Africa having AIDS and how theyre upset theyre 5 or 6 children will have noone to look after them when theyre dead. Not my problem, just stop them pushing out so many kids when they know they have AIDS and are likely gonna pass the virus on, any real mother wouldnt give her child a death sentence if it could be avoided. Problem partially solved.

I was told however that apparently "its a different world over there, women dont want to use contraceptives even if they are given them from the charities, because they and there partners believe it is wrong, they are very religious and believe they have the right to have children and breastfeed regardless to weither they have AIDS, think they have AIDS or not, its not fair to compromise regarding their natural autonomy"

My reply was so theyre from a third world country AND retarded regardless of you trying to educate them, great.

I always find it funny how you can have someone prosecuted for knowingly giving you AIDS if you are in a "proper" relationship with them or married to them...however you cant yet prosecute your parents for passing the AIDS virus on to you.

Yes i sound cruel i know. ?:angel:


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