
Author Topic: Why? Oh Why?  (Read 4096 times)

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Why? Oh Why?
« on: April 26, 2006, 08:15:51 PM »
What is the deal with guys trying it on with girls who they know are not interested in them, and who would rather penetrate their vagina with a steak-knife?

Do they secretly know theyre being egotistical twats? Are they just hiding it really well, or am i right and are they all just moronic wankers with brain damage.

Im fed up with the chat-up lines i have to endure (i say endure because they are so tedious you dont know weither to laugh, vomit or roll your eyes and slowly slip into a coma to escape the reality that these men are total fuckwits)

Some guy had the sheer cheek to actually say to me "hey darling, im an angel in disguise, im gonna lick my lips and open your thighs, so then what do ya think, up for it?"
Obviously i replied with "Oh your comments they did make me blush, but your face i'll stab and your balls i'll crush"

But he seemed utterly shocked and horrified as if i was satan in disguise and questioned my refusal, but why? Did he seriously expect me to say...."Awww thats so sweet, sure just wait a minute till i drop my panties and spread my legs? Even though your slimey, repulsive and ive already told you i wasnt interested"

Why do guys think they have the right to sexually harrass a female who is obviously not interested in them, then demand answers why. Yet get offended when she tells him to piss off, as if she is in the wrong, and should feel guilty.

Eitherway i scared him off and he realised that i wasnt gonna retract my statement or feel guilty.

Why cant all young women be issued with a stun-gun.
It will make it all soooooooo much worth while. ;D

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 09:30:45 PM »
On the other hand, one girl I met at a nightclub was rather worried that I was gay because I talked to her and didn't try to rape her like a 'normal' guy (though it didn't help that she'd seen me talking to other girls and not raping them without realising that they were actually old friends of mine that I hadn't seen in a couple of years).  It worked out well in the end though; I hadn't touched her until we were about to part company at the end of the night and had swapped mobile numbers, then I asked her if she wanted a hug, which she did, so we did, and then she got all kissy and ended up going home with me.  Seems that it pays off to not rape people.  :)

Some guys just seem natural born slimy twats though, and find it hard to comprehend that someone wouldn't like them.  A few times I've been out with some female friends and have had to discourage guys that didn't get the message that they weren't interested, but I think it's equally common for guys to have problems figuring out when a girl is interested, and they can be over-sensitive to signs of rejection (as I was when I was younger), but those guys don't stand out nearly as much as the assholes do. 

Maybe you need to work on your seduction techique to find some nicer guys?  If you put up a cold front, don't be surprised if the only guys confident enough to approach you are the asshole shit-cocks.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2006, 10:01:30 PM »
The problem is, im not really trying to find a guy.

Im not one of these girls who goes out looking for a guy or hopes guys are checking her out. If anything i try not to attract attention even though i always get it (from both sexes, which i dont understand as i wouldnt consider myself supermodel material, but im aware its probably mainly down to my height and size)

I dont even go to clubs etc, i dont really like attention that much and im not someone who naturally feels comfortable with the compliments she gets, even though i have a good giggle at the verbal abuse and bitching i get from the girls.

I almost always get approached when im shopping which is fine when its a guy you just say "sorry im not interested" too, and he goes away or says "oh well then thought id try anyways", but i get too many cocky twats, the arrogant rich boys alot of the time who demand to know whats wrong with them and what your type is then if theyre not it.

I can handle myself thankfully which helps alot, but i still find it so bizarre that so many guys demand answers and actually seem shocked their sleazy chat up lines or cocky flashing the fact they have lots of money tactics dont work.

Yes im also aware alot of the nice guys are intimidated by me.

Dont get me wrong im not saying ALL men are bastards but well i think its safe to assume a massive majority are. I dont know if its mainly a British thing.
I mean ive met a quite a few Scandinavian guys etc and they have been really nice guys, very gentlemanly unlike most of the scottish guys ive had to encounter.

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 05:41:09 AM »
Peter wrote,
On the other hand, one girl I met at a nightclub was rather worried that I was gay because I talked to her and didn't try to rape her like a 'normal' guy (though it didn't help that she'd seen me talking to other girls and not raping them without realising that they were actually old friends of mine that I hadn't seen in a couple of years).? It worked out well in the end though; I hadn't touched her until we were about to part company at the end of the night and had swapped mobile numbers, then I asked her if she wanted a hug, which she did, so we did, and then she got all kissy and ended up going home with me.? Seems that it pays off to not rape people.

i told you.? it works everytime.? you did read the the as promised: women, right?
i think it has more to do with the fact that most men are all over women, groping, saying suggestive things, etc.? and when you aren't like that with them i think they appreciate it.? and the sex that is almost automatic is a reward for your patience.

Offline Nomaken

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2006, 06:54:38 AM »
I'm interested in immediate intimacy.  Whereas most guys are interested in immediate access to sex.  And a few are interested primarily in companionship.  And if you're not willing to be intimate, i'm generally not interested in interacting with you(unless you are vastly personally interesting to me).  However we're(men) all on some level aware that is really not reasonable.  But the emotions and the urges rule over us, not our rationality.  How many women do you think theoretically speaking would respond well if I walked up to them and said, "Excuse me, would you be willing to be intimate with me soon or eventually?  If so, i'd like to become your friend."

I wish I had more innate motivation to want lots and lots of friends simply for the motivation of companionship, so I wouldn't be lying to some people by actively trying to become their friend.  (Infact, I usually don't pursue women at all anymore because I hate knowing that i'm doing it because I want to be intimate with them rather than simply enjoying their company and being interested in them.)

Despite how much of a psycho stalker I come off as, i detest the dishonesty of "normal" courtship rituals where you become a persons friend with the alterior motive of wanting to have sex with and/or be intimate with them that I do open with something akin to, "Do you think you would be interested in being intimate with me soon or eventually?"  I don't care how little success it will get me, I HATE LYING.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2006, 07:06:27 AM »
intimacy has a different definition for different folks.  what is your definition of intimacy (as it pertains to a love-type relationship or a physical-type relationship).

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2006, 09:48:08 AM »
Cuddling, hugging, kissing, licking, biting(although some of these are often felt more as components of sex((often different things for different people)), but i personally just feel they are signs of general affection), as well as confiding in each other and using each other for emotional support.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
We're all fucked, it helps to remember that.


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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2006, 10:10:59 AM »
I can agree with your last point Nomaken, the bit about hating the dishonesty of guys befriending just to more or less get intimate with a chick.

Ive had to ditch a few friends, because they showed their true hidden motives, which to me was worse, because its more of a betrayal when you find out your male friends have more or less been there for years as friends, secretly just waiting for you to cave and let them bed you. It makes me want to stab them with something in the balls even more.

I dont care if its a sleazy looking for sex, or a genuinely caring and just seeking a relationship, its just very underhand. Especially when nothings been hinted before to give you warning they arent wanting to just be platonic.

It made me rather paranoid about having friends for a while (all my friends are guys), because it sort of made me think, is their gender dooming them to being sly bastards. Is their need for sex the thing thats driving them or behind their friendship with you.

I think with me it was just the fact i aint a slag and i wasnt looking for someone, that appealed to my old friends, the old "wanting what you know you cannot have" thing or wanting to get access to the unattainable.

Like a bit of a cat and mouse game. which if im the mouse, im a genetically altered one that would actually turn around and devour the cat. ;D

I agree with a few things you've actually said Nomaken.

Upfront is good, but constant persistence and demanding to know answers to why the person isnt interested just does my head in, i find it both pathetic and cocky, also i feel the need for a stun gun to be aimed at them.

Offline Nomaken

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2006, 11:05:32 AM »
I think one reason men persist is because they assume women are going to be cryptic(not tell the truth, or try to hint at it as opposed to strait out say it) and play hard to get(and if they aren't we have no way of figuring that out) and if they don't persist they may not get the "real" answer.  I've had it several times where women would not actually say NO because they didn't want to hurt my feelings.  I on the other hand, don't want to one: subject anyone to that, and two: don't want to play that game with women who do want to play that game.  So unless the girl is extremely interesting to me, I don't pursue women anymore.  Probably if there is a soulmate for me, they are going to have to come to me. 
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
We're all fucked, it helps to remember that.

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2006, 11:13:36 AM »
Quote from: Nomaken
Probably if there is a soulmate for me, they are going to have to come to me.

You should be easy for them to find at least; they can just follow the yummy smell.   ;)

Feels queezy at the thought.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2006, 02:41:51 PM »
Some guy had the sheer cheek to actually say to me "hey darling, im an angel in disguise, im gonna lick my lips and open your thighs, so then what do ya think, up for it?"
Obviously i replied with "Oh your comments they did make me blush, but your face i'll stab and your balls i'll crush"

why couldn't you be a good samaritan and make the poor retard's dreams come true?  :laugh:
"run with a pack, not with a herd"

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2006, 03:47:59 PM »
I've had occassional problems with girls who wouldn't give up.  It's awkward, since I don't like hurting their feelings, but one girl I knew was begging me to go home with her, and I didn't want to (and I was making my discomfort quite clear), so I finally turned her down and made my escape. I think it damaged her self-confidence a fair bit; she assumed I was gay after that, but I didn't bother correcting her.

It's easier when it's some random ned-girl who smells of vomit.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

Offline McGiver

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2006, 04:04:21 PM »
who cares.  at least you didn't knee her in the boobies.


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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2006, 05:42:21 PM »
See i dont have a problem saying NO.
I dont really care if it shatters their confidence or not as cruel as that sounds, (if hes an ok guy then i try be nice about it) but id rather just be upfront and say im not interested, fuck off, or listen mate you can ask as many times as you like but the answers still no and your not gonna make me happy unless you drop dead on the spot so i dont need to hear your perpetual whiney bullshit.

I always find that bit funny, how its easier for a guy or girl to assume a person who rejects them is gay rather than accept the fact.........they just arent interested because ehhhh maybe the person is a total fuckwit, repulsive or a total cunt. I get asked if im a lesbian all the time because i wont go out with guys who ask, i dont have a boyfriend and im not looking for a partner.

I also hate the neds Peter, when they approach you dressed in their fave tracksuit smelling of sick or as if theyve been drowned in buckfast or something equally cheap and address you as "doll-face".
I immediately look around and pray theres a brick to chuck at the little bastard if he comes too near.

I have no problem crushing those little cockroaches. STAMP STAMP STAMP, DIE FUCKERS DIE, AWWW DID I CRUSH YOUR BALLS!!!!!  ;D

Draggon i could have been a good samaritan but rather dish out chemical castrations. My friend once said I was the only girl he knew that could give a guy an erection then make him impotent in 2mins flat with my "evil glance" and just a few words.

I always thought i was a nice, cuddly, warm n fuzzy, friendly, sociable person too. ;D

Mcjagger you couldnt get to a ned-girls boobs............theyre practically covered in that many gold tweetie pie necklaces and ones with CHANTALLE written on them that its like a protective armour from Argos.

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Re: Why? Oh Why?
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2006, 05:49:02 PM »
Mcjagger you couldnt get to a ned-girls boobs

what is a ned-girl?