"People often mistaken me for something that I am not. Does the criticism hurt? Yes... but the best medicine is to ignore, and not give a shit."- Ian Mackalford
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Quote from: DirtDawg on April 01, 2007, 02:12:10 AMThat post definitely appears to be the ramblings of a madman, at least at first.I think it's funny that my old comment about the "WP Cool-ade" has taken hold.I think it is too funny our guest knows what Jim Jones' cultist followers actually drank.
That post definitely appears to be the ramblings of a madman, at least at first.I think it's funny that my old comment about the "WP Cool-ade" has taken hold.
For this is the forsaken fallacy-filled fool Flagg!Who's fabled fastidiousness is well known by every foul, fragranced fabaceae!For Faberge himself fails and folds in the face of such foes!Fortunately thine foreground field, once filled with foolishness now feels but fully emptied.
You call my honor into question?Very well then.First, lets understand the motive - I hold atheists to a higher standard.Why?It's a part of my......EVIL PLAN!MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!My evil ploy to defeat every miserable bible-humper is quite ingenious.Now let me explain:For phase one my great grandfather, the great Charles Darwin created evolution.It was stunning sucess! Every single bible-lover was sweating bullets!The chruch was in a frenzy!It was glorious!*clears throat*Now, after the intial outburst Darwin gathered the greatest minds of the 19th century and set in for the long haul.We let the controversy die down so the theists would get weak and stupid - not to say they were ever strong or intelligent but it's better to err on the side of caution.But in the year 1925 we struck back....I am refering to the Scopes Trial of course.Our great agent, Clarence Darrow was sent to push the theists beyond the limit of their weak minds.Our agent did well for the circumstances but still it was a bit unsatisfactory.We have since licked our wounds and bided our time.Some... complications arose.*COUGHstalinCOUGH*But after we...dealt with the problem we resumed our course.Todays plan is one of shock and awe.For shock we use Deicide, Slayer and Marilyn Manson - highly effective and very catchy music if I do say so myself.For Awe we have Dawkins and Dan Barker.Now....You violated the "Awe" area of the plan.Running around with sub-par grammar screming "DONT DRINK DA COOLZ-AIDE" isn't very awe inspiring.And for your information the cultists drank FLAVOR-Aid not Cool-Aid.Atheists win by making the enemy looking bad - it's all about appearence in today's world.And we look damn cool - nothing says edgy like an inverted cruxifix tattoed on your forehead.Happy now?
Well, he's gone from WP too now.
No, Richard did.