Hey people... long time no see.
I've been outta the loop for quite a wee while now and i thought i'd check in and see whats going on...
I'll hopefully be back online for a week starting tomorrow when i go home for about a said week...
It's been a pretty rough time since i corresponded last, many things both bad and good have been happening so here's a short run down on badgers last few months...
as ya know i got expelled from the university (at least i think i told you guys anywho), my gran died about a month ago now so i was jetting between wales and derby for about 3 weeks prior to her demise (which totally blows by the way but it was her time so to speak and it was peacefull so thats all good).
I am still homeless (for the most part), trying desperately to jump back on the dole (which isnt going well either cos the jobcentre in aberystwyth has started doing applications over the phone now which i am utterly hopeless at doing cos of not being face to face and all), and find a place of my own (which again means going on a damn waiting list (even with my special circumstances)).
and now the big news....
my parents are moving house... well selling and renting places whilst they travel the globe (as both their kids (me and sis) are old enough to go solo (lol).... sucks)
so on top of all that i am coping i guess and pretty soon i hope to get lucky

so catch you all later on in the new week (hopefully) and have fun untill we meet again...
PS thanks for not deleting me after this long absense
