I beat all of you!
I first used a computer around 1975-76 , running some simple number crunching programs on a mainframe in Honeywell Birmingham (England) , online via a terminal at a local college. This was exciting high-tech state-of-the art stuff, back then . Computers were the size of houses, and they had no Operating System but rather human Operators who fed in cards, changed discs and pushed buttons. The hard disks looked like frisbees, and a bit later I heard of a bunch of Computer Operators acually playing frisbee with a disk...then crashing a whole days wotk, because the flying disk hit the "Run" button.
A short while after the Honeywll experience, I went out with a guy who was doing a BSc at the local Uni, and he let me use his computer ID number I got myself a texbook on Fortan IV, wrote some programs and sat in the card-punching room, punching my own cards with a little hole-punching machine, to be fed into the Uni's own mainframe computer. My idea of fun *chuckle* . My boyfriend got really pissed off, because I qhickly became much better at programming than he was.
Not long after that, word was buzzing about s new Operating System called "George" that was going to make human operators redundant.
And then, how long after? personal computers were invented and Windows came along. But the early PCs did little more than crunch numbers . Once again I larked around on them, at my local college, couldn't afford one of my own.
And they still didn't run videos!