
Author Topic: A certain type of aspie...(especially on WP)  (Read 1177 times)

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Re: A certain type of aspie...(especially on WP)
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2007, 04:25:13 PM »
I think the word you're looking for is 'fuckwit'.

Well, I wouldn't use that to describe him, more like, severely delusional and disturbed, not unlike some individuals that I refuse to name.  He even had another persona that was his "human" side and would be used to address those of us who were talking to him.  It got to be a bit much after awhile.  He started to approach "LGB" level  of tiresome.

I'm not unfamiliar with my own rage at some things about SOME NT's that make me want to go berserk with the flaming hammer of justice.
But, there's more than a few aspies that make me cringe at the things that come out of their minds and onto a public forum.

I laughed at a lot of what Compu-Pikachu said, like when he asked Amy to define what she meant by the winking emoticon and then he said that he had no emotions at all.  When he asked us to talk to his imaginary friend, whose name I can't remember, then it got to be a bit much.  Do you really think it was all part of his delusion, or do you think he was having some fun playing a role at our expense?  I never could really figure it out.


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Re: A certain type of aspie...(especially on WP)
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2007, 08:13:33 PM »
No. I think he was the real deluded deal.  In that he was consistent with his delusion.  Plus, I got the impression that Amy knew him better from AFF and she stated that he was not in the best mental health.  He sent a pretty emo pm asking me what my user name was based on.  I didn't answer him, as he was just too fucking idiotic to deal with in any way shape or form.  I have my limits and he pushed me way beyond them!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 08:15:49 PM by ozymandias »