betcha, I didn't pack it all in and say fuck it. I'm HAVING my b/day project work for me, even if it is belated due to practical reasons (I.e not shortcutting in a hurry, and making do with poor results, but being cold, patient, measured and methodical in my approach, and industrious with my efforts, with a vacuum still here, a blowtorch there, a bit of welding somewhere else....boiling and refining and distilling and washing away, and diving into the established and underground type literature sources that relate to the area of chemistry in particular or related topics of use that I can build on and learn from both. Its tempting of course, but the key is not to give in to it and to keep going, as surely as an oncoming tank, but to keep the subtleties of the art where they must be, despite being dogged and bloody minded as only an autie with a special interest-related goal in mind being bent to their will for something special can get:))
And the fruit is visible on the tree, so to speak. Just waiting to be given the right polishing before that final pluck, twist off a ripe juicy apple and crunch in to it with unrestrained gleeful stimmy as hell capering and cackling that would doubtless get a shrink called were anybody not on the spectrum to ever witness it. A mad scientist finally getting to let the mad side loose and out the hell to play Don't like spazzes? then get the fuck outa the nuthouse motherfuckers or you'll catch a stereotypy of some sort in the nose

I must confess, this particular bit, working with small weights of compounds with some rather tricky physical handling characteristics, thats notoriously tricky to purify, in much greater solvent volumes, it is not easy. Demanding a great delicacy of touch, to get my project to behave as it must learn that it better had do for the birthdayspazz. But mo chemical prissy-little-bitch-ery is going to get in my way. And its showing its face already. Its not a difficult reaction as such, its more the physical texture type qualities of the stuff. Not going to burst into flames on contact with air, insoluble in water, but very, very viscous, and adheres to glassware in part whilst other parts stay finely divided yet oiled out as a suspension in the water, making it hard to get out. But in this case whilst it has a very strong tendency towards oiling out, rather than crystallizing, a crystalline product isn't needed, a clean one is but it does not need to be solid in order to be employed as desired. It can curl up into a ball and whine all it damn well wants, but its GOING to do what I want it to, whether it wants to or not. Although if anybody pours this down the sink. They die. Horribly. Not because of it. Because of the really, really pissed off autie that would be coming after the offender and chasing them to the gates of hell itself if needs be to suck it out of their brain with a vacuum cleaner and a blender if must

And yes, they'd be alive whilst I did it. Slowly. As long as I could keep them alive and conscious whilst removing their brain and eyes in piecemeal fashion and having replaced their skin with a coat of superglue to hold the juices in. No, nobody better be doing THAT again, not if they want to live to see another day watching grisly horror films from this side of the TV screen