How many Swedes do we have now?
Four: me, zer0, Odeon, Litigious. Who knows; mayhaps I² will one day come to be ruled by an evil quadrumvirate.

And welcome, zer0! I didn't describe this place at any detail when I mentioned it, so here goes some random info:
Most of the board will be hidden right now, and become viewable/postable once 10 posts have been made.
The adminship is elected by member voting (hence the above comment) every few months. (though dunc as webmaster forever remains
an evil despot in power)
Most of the time, this board, though blunt, open and pretty chaotic, remains relatively civil (though a couple of incidents of posters too sensitive for this place sticking around for a while and then taking great offense with drama resulting has made some stick their thorns out at newcomers in order to scare such people away), with one exception; the first to "greet" you. Our resident... troll does not fit, as he doesn't seem to care whether you take offense or not.
This place has gone up and down quite a bit the last couple of months (I don't mean that in the literal sense, though such did also happen before due to hosting hiccups), but now seems to be well on its way to recovery.