Author Topic: The worst aspies?  (Read 22007 times)

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #645 on: June 21, 2009, 01:18:15 AM »
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair.  :eyebrows:

Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.

I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.

But you don't have to do the violence. That's what you pay the motorcycle gang for. :toporly:

Offline Eclair

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #646 on: June 21, 2009, 01:54:45 AM »
I still hate my childhood bullies with a vengance.

One of the only things I give a shit about it being a shitload better than them and rubbing it in their face.

That would explain why you are attracted to power and money.

So you can zoom back into town in your fast car and fancy lifestyle and show them you made it.

I think it is possible to do it on your own Fiona, that would be an even better payback. Just don't become a stuck up asshole in the process.

You seem like you're under the impression that I want to spend someone elses money, and that is not the case at all. My attraction to those sort of men doesn't have anything to do with my personal feelings for people who have made me feel small. The two desires are mutually exclusive, but both there. (wanting to make my own fortune, and the fact i'm attracted to power)

I want money of my own for those reasons, not to date someone with it.

I want to become a stuck up arsehole, but only to these people. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

Nope, again, you misinterpret me. I said you wanted to zoom back into town with your fast car and flashy lifestyle and show them you made it.

My post was more encouraging that you don't need a man with power to do that (as you have indicated that is what you are attracted to) and I believe you could show them that you can make a success of yourself without being tangled up with someone who has power and money.

So my apologies for supporting your ability to do this on your own and deterring you from being sidetracked to the attraction of someone powerful who you think has power you could leverage off.

Perhaps my thoughts were a little above your sphere of comprehension?

In other words, you always choose the negative aspect to my posts. Like you can only comprehend a comment as being a negative slight against you?

When in fact, I am saying that you are more than able to show the world how fantastic you are. But you choose and use the most stupid methods sometimes, for a girl who really deep down is quite intelligent.


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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #647 on: June 21, 2009, 03:01:15 AM »
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair.  :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.

It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.

I rarely think about those that bullied me at school (and according to my mother I was bullied pretty hard :: shrug :: ), they deserve none of my mental energy wasted on them, I have my own life to live.

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #648 on: June 21, 2009, 03:08:18 AM »

Nope, again, you misinterpret me. I said you wanted to zoom back into town with your fast car and flashy lifestyle and show them you made it.

My post was more encouraging that you don't need a man with power to do that (as you have indicated that is what you are attracted to) and I believe you could show them that you can make a success of yourself without being tangled up with someone who has power and money.

So my apologies for supporting your ability to do this on your own and deterring you from being sidetracked to the attraction of someone powerful who you think has power you could leverage off.

Perhaps my thoughts were a little above your sphere of comprehension?

In other words, you always choose the negative aspect to my posts. Like you can only comprehend a comment as being a negative slight against you?

When in fact, I am saying that you are more than able to show the world how fantastic you are. But you choose and use the most stupid methods sometimes, for a girl who really deep down is quite intelligent.

"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"

Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive.  I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.

People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.


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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #649 on: June 21, 2009, 03:12:38 AM »
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive.  I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.

Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.

Offline Mr Smith

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #650 on: June 21, 2009, 03:13:18 AM »
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair.  :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.

It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.

Actually, I think it would work. The people who bullied me/looked down on me were obviously very socially capable, average looking and probably have very mundane boring lives. Even giving them a slight feeling of worthlessness is good enough.


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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #651 on: June 21, 2009, 03:15:02 AM »
But idiots won't be broken down just because you are successful. But they sure as hell will be broken down if you pay Hells Angels to put them in a wheel chair.  :eyebrows:
Not interested in whether they're "broken down"... Maybe hopefully they will think ... "Hey, maybe that girl wasn't so much of a loser afterall.... maybe im the actual loser" or just to feel inadiquite is good enough tbh.
I'd rather humiliate them. Not a fan of violence unless the person hurts animals or small children or is a reall sick fuck.

It won't work. It's folly to ever think it would; those people are interested in their own power the only way you would be better than them in their eyes is if you had power over them.

Actually, I think it would work. The people who bullied me/looked down on me were obviously very socially capable, average looking and probably have very mundane boring lives. Even giving them a slight feeling of worthlessness is good enough.

But bashed out teeth and a broken spine would be 1000 times better.  :evillaugh:

Offline Mr Smith

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #652 on: June 21, 2009, 03:16:12 AM »
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive.  I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.

Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.

Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair


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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #653 on: June 21, 2009, 03:18:46 AM »
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive.  I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.

Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.

Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair



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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #654 on: June 21, 2009, 03:57:31 AM »
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive.  I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.

Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.

Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair


I have to agree with TheoK here :: almost dies of shock :: :eyebrow:
The pics I've seen of you (inc. body ones) do not dissuade me of the belief that you're attractive. And in anycase what other's say should be irrelevant, including the positive voices. It's all about what you say....

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #655 on: June 21, 2009, 07:30:27 AM »
"That would explain why you are attracted to power and money"
"I think it is possible to do it on your own"
Implied that I think I need a man with power an money to achieve what I desire. That isn't the case. I never intended to NOT do it on my own. The attraction to some guy is completely mutually exclusive.  I don't want someone to "leverage" off and never have.
People can think what they want, I get called stupid and ugly all the time, and believe every word of it. I'm a very fucked up person. I don't think people seem to understand how fucked up I actually am. I'm not going to go into it, its not exactly a support site and I respect that.

Anyone that calls you ugly obviously has no eyes. And stupidity is ubiquitous. We're all stupid in our own ways...such as listening and believing the negativity people spew out.

Trust me, I look okay front on, I look like a disgusting piece of shit side on and my hair is flat and vile. I'm not fat but my body is not hot. I want a nose job, an ear job, liposuction, more hair

What the fuck is wrong with straight hair? I have flat straight hair too.

And the ears are not something someone looks at anyway.  :laugh:
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"


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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #656 on: June 21, 2009, 07:46:06 AM »
I have scary curly mop-like hair...and that's it's natural state. I hate it, it gives my dysphoria.... So I'd love flat straight hair... A case of grass is greener.


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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #657 on: June 21, 2009, 07:52:44 AM »
I have scary curly mop-like hair...and that's it's natural state. I hate it, it gives my dysphoria.... So I'd love flat straight hair... A case of grass is greener.

Me too.  My hair in its natural state is thick, dark and curly and since it's fairly shortish now I have to straighten it so it doesn't look like a mini afro  ::)

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #658 on: June 21, 2009, 09:19:33 AM »
I have really thick hair which annoys the fuck out of me. It's also naturally very scruffy but I don't care if my hair looks a mess tbh. I haven't combed it in one and a half years. I get a shower every morning though and one before I go to bed too, and if my hair's wet, it doesn't get tangled so it doesn't matter. I don't care as long as it's clean.

Anyway practically all attractive women I've met think they're too this or too that or they need to change this and that. You're all just a bunch of deluded tossers  :zoinks:

Seriously though, I can never understand most women's perception of themselves, as they never seem to see themselves as they actually are. I very much doubt you look shit from the side, Fiona.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: The worst aspies?
« Reply #659 on: June 21, 2009, 09:20:37 AM »
I have very fine hairs, and they are poker straight. Very shiny, and it turns blonde when i'm out in the sun a lot.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"