So, hypothetically speaking, if Alex were to want to join here would we flame him to death? I mean, he's old enough, but we don't want him here. 
i really wouldn't mind if he were here. but he would have alot to answer for.
Agreed, he'd be welcome to join here.....if he's got the balls to do so. It would certainly be interesting. But, my guess is he's too "busy" being "rich and famous"
to spend any time at the "seedy little bar on the outskirts of town." 
He'd probably have a meltdown after about 5 minutes, when we started to demand answers. He wouldn't be able to lock or delete threads either. It would be a bitch for him to have to have discussions in neutral territory.
He doesn't discuss much on WP.
Now and then, he makes a small
comment, but I really think that
he has better things to do.
Unlike me.